Like the one of of our first full year of being who together discreetly, we didn't know Jisung yet. He had taken me to watch my first ever dance competition. I remember wanting to be up on that stage, dancing freely like no one was watching. And after everything had shut down, when it was all over he snuck me onto that stage and we goofed off. Until the guards showed up and we had to make a run for it. It was one of the best nights of my life.

I was set onto my feet and I just pulled him back into the room. His hand holding mine, my hands were small in comparison to his. I never minded that, because the whole his hand would hold the entirety of mine just felt safe.

"So what did you need me here for?" He asked me and I just waved it off as I search for a certain song in my playlist.

"We will get to that in a minute." I said as I found the song. "But first..."

Stay with you by Cheat Codes started playing over the Bluetooth speakers and he smiled down at me. "You still listen to this?"

I nodded as I took his hands to drag him into the middle of the floor. "How could I not? You danced with me to this song, told me you loved me the same night."

We used to speak to each other through songs, to say what we didn't want to say around everyone else. This was the song we listened to when we alone in the house on night. We blasted it and in that moment nothing else mattered. I wanted to feel it again before I had to reopen my mind to the worries of myself.

He smiled as I recounted the memory to him, and he pulled me to him with his hold on my hands. Our chests colliding and he gave me a sweet, sincere kiss. Nothing was every any less than that with him. Always so incredibly gentle and perfect.

When he pulled away, he spun me around with a laugh. His whole body lighting up with the happiness this song brought to him, the happiness I brought to him.

I giggled as he grabbed my waist and continued to swing me around in his arms. My legs kicked the air in front of me, my laugh echoing over the music.

Once I was on my feet again, I turn to him and jumped. My legs instantly wrapped around his waist and he held my up by my legs, not allowing me to slip down even an inch. My arms linked around his shoulders and he smiled as his nuzzled his nose against mine.

The song came to an end but he didn't let me go. Instead the next song came on and he continued to dance with me with me in his arms, spinning around and slow dancing to the beat.

Masterpiece by Sam Short. A newer song that I resonated with when I heard it.

Time seemed to fade into the background as he held me so close to him, my forehead resting against his. A smile on both our faces, he leaned in with his lips to steal my smile for himself and I let him.

When he pulled away, he stole a little peck and set me back down on my feet. "Now... as much as I love this, no more stalling Sunshine."

I nodded and walked over to my phone and shut off the music. The atmosphere of the room changing as I did. I hoisted myself up onto the little table and pulled on of my legs closer to my chest.

He stood in front of me, his hands caressing my thighs in comfort and I looked up at him as my chin rested atop my knee.

"I think I'm having an identity crisis, Minnie." I sighed. "And I don't know how to handle it."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean there are some days when I don't feel like i fit into my clothes. Not size wize, just mentally. Like I don't belong in what I wear. Other days I feel perfectly comfortable in them, like I am myself. It flip flops, all the time. And it confuses me." I looked down. "Like who am I supposed to be? This or that? And I don't want to seem like two different people, but... I feel like I might be."

𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 & 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 | 𝙱2 𝚂𝙺𝚉 𝙵𝙵Where stories live. Discover now