What's Conventional

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3 | Whats Conventional
TW: Cultural dispute, Murder, blood, foul language, mentions of rape.

What is the brotherhood? And what was their goal?

Continuing the creation tale and its history, years after the guardians of life and death: the Black Turtle and the Vermillion Bird disappeared. Two empires were established.

And together they form the Osian Continent

As Jinhu Empire was led by the White Tiger, and Taiyou Empire was led by the Azure Dragon

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As Jinhu Empire was led by the White Tiger, and Taiyou Empire was led by the Azure Dragon. The guardians once close to the people's hearts gradually grew distant from the humans they adored. Instead, the two remaining guardians chose to watch over them in the shadows, in the skies, and in nature. For the guardians' spirits were everywhere. 

Four guardians walked the earth... two left, and two remained. 

But this time, all four were nowhere in plain sight.

Perhaps they still were there with them as the wind and water, the sun and the rain. Could be as birds, as foxes, as cats. Or maybe as passersby and common people. Nobody knows.

The White Tiger and the Azure Dragon still left a legacy as the center of the continent's religion. In honor of the White Tiger, the deity of balance and peace, shrines were built all over the most affluent and thriving lands of Jinhu, and the Jinhuan people offered sacrifices and rituals every summer and fall as a symbol of prosperity.

In reverence to the Azure Dragon, the deity of time and knowledge, Taiyoun People built sky temples atop mountains and educational establishments teaching martial art and literature arts, embodying their Deity's love for knowledge.

However, not every believer was delighted at the disappearance of the four guardians. And thus a separate continent was born.

The Helion Continent, wherein the largest country in the world is; Helios. A continent that loved the most venerated deity in history: The Vermillion Bird, the Sun Deity of life. 

As enormous were the lands of Helios, it was divided into three regencies. And although each of the sovereignties was divided in property, all the Helian people loved and worshipped the Sun Deity. They loved the Vermillion Bird— even though the deity disappeared, the faith of the people remained.

Eventually, Helios became the most technologically advanced in the world, the most modernized and civilized country. They strongly believe that as the adherents of the strongest deity among the four guardians, they must be the greatest in all lands. 

And the three houses took charge of all governance: religion, education, and industrialization. 

There were three Sovreignities:

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