His question was rhetorical. After he closes the door, the room goes quiet. No one looks at each other.

Danah had been walking around the palace for a while now, attempting to find Jungwon. Man, I should've asked them first where he was, she internally curses herself.

"Where are you?" No response.

She then passes by a place that she realized that she hadn't looked into yet: the Yang Garden. She takes a peak and sees Jungwon sitting on the small staircase.

She opens the sliding door and quietly walks over to him. When she is close enough, she stops and just observes him.

That's when she realized what his friends meant. Jungwon wasn't just crying, no, he was crying out blood.

To a Vampire, that was normal. But to a Human like Danah, the sight was horrifying. She almost stumbles back, but she catches herself.

Without even announcing her presence, he already knew she was there. "You woke up." There was a hint of relief in his murmur.

"Itd take a lot more to kill me," she tries to lighten the mood. However, it made Jungwon feel worse. Blood kept dripping.

"I'm going to let you go," he says underneath his breath as if he thought about it for a long time. "You can go home. I'll go against my parents' wishes. I'll hatch a plan against Rose and you will never have to be affiliated with any Vampire again."

How, though?
His parents are pacifists, how could that work?

"Leave," Jungwon directs, but she doesn't move a muscle. "Go away. I cant let you see me like this."

Although she was homesick, she couldn't bring herself to leave him. He needs her the same way she needs him. "What are you even saying?" she half-jokingly comments. "What makes you think I'm leaving you?"

He finally looks at her with blood-struck eyes which causes her to flinch a bit. "I could've killed you earlier," Jungwon struggles to get this point across. "Doesn't that scare you? Even now, I'm scaring you."

She suddenly gets flashbacks of what she... no— of what they went through earlier. The way he was pinning her down and he struggled so hard to control himself was not easy for both of them. Jungwon was poisoned — He was not himself, and Danah understood that.

"No." She squats down to be in eye-level with him. "But you know what does scare me? Rose. Rose did that you earlier. It wasn't your fault, so don't think it is."

Jungwon didn't know what to think. Should he be happy that she wanted to stay or should he push her away since that is the safer option?

"Please don't push me away," Danah pleads. "We equally need each other, you should know that."

"I promised to protect you," he brings up. "But look what I did instead. Rose made me a monster." He looked at his hands and suddenly had flashbacks of when he was attacking her.

"See what I mean? You need protection too," she laughs. "Look at me, it's not like you did a substantial amount of damage."

Jungwon finally crack a smile, "That's good." Dana finally gets up and moves a little bit to stand in front of him, pulling him to her.

She wipes some of his blood tears of his face.

She places her hand on the back of his head as he nuzzles his face into her chest. "We'll be fine," she assures him, wrapping her arms around his neck in an embrace.

"I hate hurting people I love," Jungwon confesses against her warm body.

Hearing that, her face instantly flushed. She was thankful Jungwon wouldn't be able to see it due to his position. "W-when did you start loving me?" she asks, interested.

"When I saw you fend off Jett," he answers right away. "That was pretty cool."

"I almost died, though." she rests her chin on his head, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly. "I only survived because of you."

"Your drive to survive was very attractive," he stated to which she couldn't help but feel like her ego was boosted. "How about you? What made you love me?"

"What makes you think I love you?" she jokes. Although this moment was sappy and a bit cringe, she found it sweet.

He looks up, and their faces were centimetres apart. "Would you tolerate this if you didn't love me?" He places a peck onto her jaw.

"You're right," she sighs. "I've been admiring you for a while, actually. You were my crush at school."

"I was?" she nods. "Then why didn't you approach me?"

"Well," she thinks a bit. "First of all, you were unapproachable. Second of all, I was sure you didn't like me."

From afar, Minji and Heeseung had been looking for Danah. "Danah?!" Minji calls. However, Heeseung notices the scene and stops her. "What?"

"Look," he directs. She follows Heeseung's gaze to see the sight of Danah and Jungwon at a distance.

Minji's fear drops and so do her tense shoulders. She watches the way Jungwon eyed Danah, like she was the most beautiful thing that he had ever stumbled upon. "Ah."

"They love each other," Heeseung sighs as if in disbelief. He noticed the soft gaze Danah had as her and Jungwon's eyes were locked.

"They do," Minji sighs in the same way. Neither of them were fond of the "Vampire X Human" trope.

Danah begins thinking about how Jungwon crashed into her a while back and never apologized.

"I'm just awkward," he confesses. "If you approached me sooner, maybe I would've began loving you sooner too."

"Nah, I think the timing is just right." she grins. "I love you."

"I love you too."

Flashback to Chapter 'I'

"Hey, watch where you're going!" Minji snaps.

Danah instantly regains her footing, "Girl, it's fine. They must be in a hurry or something," she looks at Minji then looks at her culprit.

Yang Jungwon. Her vice class president.

Jungwon gives Danah a blank stare before nonchalantly walking off, realizing who it was he gets a bit nervous. He didn't know why, but he knew she was pretty. Then, he looks at Minji. "Tell her I said sorry," he directs her in telepathy.

"No, cunt." she responds back.

Sighing, he looks at Danah and says, "sorry." Then he walks away. She didn't hear it.

"What an entitled brat," Minji scoffs. "I hope a Vampire gobbles him up this Monday." That time, Danah didn't know she was a Vampire.

"Too far, Minji!" Danah yelps, smacking her friend at the back of her head.

As Jungwon fled the scene, he wonders to himself. "I said sorry, though." he furrows his brows.

Oh, Jungwon. You apologized in telepathy! She didn't have that skill at the time!

Lovers in the Night | Yang JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now