First Encounter

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Redwood High School, New York City

Nandini's POV:

"Oh God! Where the hell is this classroom? I've been searching for 15 minutes and still no luck. Who gives out paper maps in the 21st century?"

Nandini's frustration was interrupted by the sound of commotion nearby. Curious, she decided to investigate, thinking it might be more interesting than wandering aimlessly.

As Nandini approached the source of the noise, she saw a group of students known as the FAB 5 bullying a boy.

"I am so sorry, Manik. It was an accident. I didn't mean to spill coffee on your wallet," the boy pleaded.

"Shut up. I don't care if it was an accident or intentional. What I know is that you damaged something very important to me. I won't let you off easily," Manik retorted angrily.

Manik grabbed the boy by his collar and punched him hard in the face. Before he could throw a second punch, Nandini intervened.

"Stop it! He said it was an accident. Why are you making a mountain out of a molehill over a wallet? It's not like you had tons of money inside it."

"Oh, please! Don't preach to me. When you don't know the whole story, you shouldn't interfere," Manik snapped back.

"Oh, then enlighten me, please. Because what I see is an ill-mannered star and the spoiled son of a rich father beating up someone innocent for a mistake."

"Listen, miss, you're using that little mouth of yours a lot. It would be good if you just leave, otherwise it won't be good for you."

"Oh, really? I'm so terrified. Should I hide somewhere you can't find me? Let me tell you, Mr. Arrogant, I don't give a damn about what you say. I'll do what I think is right. So I'm not going anywhere until you apologize to that boy over there."

Listening to her words, Cabir snorted and said, "This is the first time I've seen someone stand up to Manik like this. Hats off to her guts; she's asking Manik Malhotra to apologize. Impressive. She's really something."

"Shut up, Cabir. Whose side are you on, Manik's or that girl's?" Mukti asked.

"Of course I'm on Manik's side. But that doesn't mean I can't be impressed by her."

"Well, I think these two would make a great pair. What do you guys think?" Cabir teased.

Mukti smacked him hard on the head. "Don't speak rubbish. They can never be together."

Manik, listening to Nandini's words, retorted, "Sorry? Are you out of your mind? I am Manik Malhotra, and Manik Malhotra never apologizes. Now get out of my way."

Manik pushed Nandini aside and grabbed the boy's collar again. But before he could punch him, Nandini pushed him away and punched him hard, making him bleed.

"You little shit! How dare you punch my brother? Now I'm not going to leave you," Mukti shouted, lunging toward Nandini. But someone stopped her.

"Stop it! What's going on here? FAB 5 and you, both of you, I want you all in the principal's office. Now," a stern voice commanded.

Principal's Office:

"Seriously, guys! It's the first day of your senior year, and you've already started a fight?" the principal scolded. "You all have detention after school for two weeks, except Chris because he wasn't involved in the fight. Now you can go."

As soon as the principal dismissed them, the FAB 5 stormed out, heading towards their respective classrooms. With some help, Nandini also found her class.


"May I come in, ma'am?" Nandini asked.

"Yes, come inside. Are you a new admission?" the teacher inquired.

"Yes, ma'am."

"What is your name?"

"Nandini Murthy."

"Okay, introduce yourself to the class."

As Nandini faced the class to introduce herself, she was shocked to see Manik and his friends sitting there. Manik smirked at her as they made eye contact.

Seeing Manik's look, it was clear to Nandini that high school was going to be a roller-coaster ride for her. It was not going to be as peaceful as she had imagined.

"Nandini, introduce yourself. Where are you lost?" the teacher prompted.

"Sorry, ma'am. Hello, everyone! I am Nandini Murthy. I just moved from L.A. to New York."

"Is that all you want to say?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Okay. Does anyone have a vacant seat?"

"Yes, ma'am, I do," Manik said, raising his hand.

"Good. Then, Nandini, go sit there."

"Manik and Cabir, help her with her studies."

"Yes, ma'am. My friends and I will help her in all possible ways. We'll do our best to make this year memorable for her," Manik replied with a mischievous grin.

Nandini reluctantly went and sat between Manik and Cabir.

"Welcome to Redwood High School, Miss Nandini Murthy. I will ensure to make this year hell for you," Manik whispered, leaning towards her.

"Oh, I'm so scared," Nandini whispered back sarcastically. "You better be careful, Manik. I'm not someone who backs down easily."

Cabir chuckled, "This is going to be interesting."

As the teacher started the lesson, Nandini couldn't help but feel a mix of dread and determination. She knew that this year would be anything but ordinary, and she was ready to face whatever challenges came her way.

Please check out my other stories  'Unravel: The Payback Of Time' and STRINGS OF FATE.

To be continued....

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