Chapter 17: Death Beyond the Grave

Start from the beginning

"You should work on your observation skills. These two over here figured it out way before you and I thought they had less intelligence than a rock."

I feel a hand smack my shoulder after my response. Enid was not a fan of my comment. Apparently it was 'insensitive' or something along those lines. I don't see it, but oh well.

"Ha ha very funny Addams. Congrats you two."

"Thank you so much B!"

"I for real thought you were super into Ajax. Guess I was wrong." Kent says confused.

"It's called comphet dip shit." Yoko mocks.

"For someone who's twin is a raging lesbian you sure don't know the signs huh?" Divina jokes her brother. They seem to be constantly joking each other. At this point just electrocute him. That's what I do to Pugsley.

"Not everyone can be gay experts D." Kent rolls his eyes before going off to get a drink.

"Can we have everyone's attention! We'd like to announce your king and queen of the raven now!"

Everyone lines up facing the stage. You would think they were watching a live execution by the way they were so interested in Firkins standing at the microphone.

"Okay and your 2023 Rav'N king is, drumroll please. Ajax Petropolus!"

Enid's dream...It's coming true? This makes no sense. She's not a psychic or anything of the sorts. How did she predict this?

"Alright and your Rav'N Queen is nevermores number one gossiper, ENID SINCLAIR!"

The crowd screams as loud as possible. It felt like my eardrums were going to melt out of my ears.

How does anyone find this entertaining? This whole thing is just made to make people feel bad about themselves unless they are picked. It tells people that if you are not the skinniest, most popular, pitch perfect person you are nothing. Quite frankly I'd like to ruin this whole dance but it would upset Enid.

"Okayyy Ms. Sinclair here is your crown and Mr. Petropolus here is yours! Everyone give a round of applause for these two amazing students!"

Clapping fills the already loud room. I was on the verge of exploding something. All of this noise is so disorienting.

Ajax and Enid walk to the middle of the dance floor. Slow music begins to play. Shit. I forgot about the stupid king and Queen slow dance.

I'm going to gouge my eyes out. If I have to see Ajax with his hand around her waste I can't promise that he will have both hands after the dance is over.

"Hey, instead of dancing with each other, can we just dance with our dates? I feel like dancing together would be a little awkward..." Ajax suggests as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Of course! I totally get that."

Enid runs into the crowd towards me. Big smile plastered all over her beautiful face. She reaches for my hand as she lets out a small giggle.

What could she possibly be doing right now? Isn't she supposed to be dancing with snake boy.

"Come on silly! We have to go and dance! Or should I just slow dance with the air? Cause I can toats do that!"

"No. I'll dance with you. But only for you. After this stupid dance you owe me bigger than the Milky Way."

Her smile grows even bigger. I can feel the redness creeping up onto my cheeks. My once black heart seems to light up red every-time she's near. It's like she's the electricity that powers the light in my heart.

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