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Grace jolted awake in bed. She frowned to herself as she sat up. She looked to see Bella as she sat in the edge of the bed and groaned as she sat up and looked to her

"Are you watching me sleep. Your just as mad as my husband" grace said as Bella smirked

"Grace I love you and all but I wasn't watching you sleep. I need to talk to you, over the powers. We were witches to start with before we turned their trying to contact us to take down your husband" Bella said

"They want to make up their minds. They want me to be with them and now they want me to take him down. I can't do both. It's draining. Klaus is draining"

"Do you hear he got Tyler to bite the Forbes vampire" Bella said as grace chuckled

"I shouldn't laugh. It's just the type of thing that klaus would do" grace said as Bella sighed

"What is going on with you two. I mean there is a reason your not running from him and it's not to do with how strong you are" Bella asked as grace sighed

"It took me years of running to realise its bit what I want. I married klaus and yeah it was a long time ago but he is my husband and I guess I miss him. Don't tell him that he'll never let me hear the end of it" grace said as Bella smiled

"I get it I miss Elijah"

Grace got to the Salvatore house and walked inside. She looked to see klaus and stefan "oh there's the wife" klaus said as she looked to hun and rolled her eyes

"What are you sing here. Trying to make friends with the enemies are you" she said as klaus downed the drink that he was holding and smirked as he looked to grace

"No reason to worry Stefan is doing me a favour that's all" he said as grace looked to klaus and then to Stefan. She looked to him up and down and smirked

"I'd be careful if I were you, in who you trust. I need to speak to you" she said as he smirked

He watched as she walked out

"Excuse me" he said as he followed her


"Please tell me that your bit as stupid as she look as the man I married wouldn't be getting down with the enemy. They are trying to destroy you so that they can kill you. You do know that ding you" she said

He grabbed her arm and smiled "it's flattering"


"You caring about me after all this time"

"Of course I bloody care. Your my husband" she said as the two of them held a look before he leant in and kissed her

She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. He pushed her against the wall as she shrieked into the kiss

He ripped the top that she was wearing as she pushed his jacket off as well as helped him strip off. He helped her strip down as he lifted a leg

Grace moaned as she felt his hard enemies cock push into her. She moaned as he gripped her hips. Her nails dug into his back as he moved in and out of her. She moaned as she rolled her head back.

She knew how they were against the Salvatore house but she didn't care that stefan was inside and would hear everything

"Fuck" she cursed as she felt herself release her load as he followed her and smirked as he leant in and kissed her

Grace woke up and frowned as she realised that she was in a bed. She sat up and looked to see klaus "hey your okay love" he said as she looked to him and frowned

"What happened" she asked

"You don't remember"

"Well I wouldn't be asking if I did" she said as he smiled

"Fair enough well after I screwed your brains out you fainted I mean I know I'm good you let me know that over the years even when you hated me but I've never made you pass out" he said as she frowned

"I dint remember. Where are we?" She asked as he smiled

"Our news home love welcome home. It seems you and Isabella are a bit faintly today" he said as she frowned

"Bella? What happened to bella"

"Some spell went wrong. She's okay" klaus said. He went to walk off as she grabbed his hand the two of them looked to each other for a moment

"It's nice to see that you aren't just the big bad hybrid and that the man I married is still there" she said as he smirked

He cupped her cheek and kissed her "don't tell anyone" he said winking before he walked out of the room

Grace walked into the room where Bella was "what happened to you" grace asked as Bella sighed

"I tried to do a spell it was too strong and the witches in the other spell fought back. I was trying to find Elijah but they came through over you"

Grace looked to her and frowned

"What do you mean"

"The reason your so weak. They had put a curse on you. They want you and klaus to have a child. A child that could destroy klaus" Bella said

Grace looked to her and frowned "I'm sorry what" grace said not believing what she had just heard as bella smiled

"It's true"

"Klaus is a hybrid...your a witch...they think there's so balance in nature. This is a mess" Bella said as grace frowned

She knew how powerful her witch side was and the consequences if she ignored it but grace also knew how she felt as if she and klaus had got back to a good side for them

She knew that she was scared but just what was she going to do?

The hybrids wife *klaus mikaelson fanfiction*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora