Please be coming back

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Kylie POV

"You're what?!" I say annoyed and disappointed.
"I know I know I'm so sorry Kylie! They needed me for work and I know it had to come at the worst time but if I didn't come to Brazil they would have my head" She says as I sigh and flop myself down onto the couch.
"When will you be back?" I ask.
"Two day maximum" She says and I close my eyes.
"Why can't we just talk about us on the phone?" I ask.
"No, you deserve better than to be told on the phone I have to do this in person" My heart sinks to my stomach at her words.

"Does that mean you have bad news to tell me?" I ask softly.
"Of course not! It's just we have a lot to talk about and I don't want to do it over the phone I want to see your face. God I miss your face already" She says groaning and I blush.
"I miss your face too dummy" I say laughing.
"Okay listen I got to go but I'll text you and I promise I'll be back in two days" she says and I smile.
"You better" I say and she laughs.
"Cross my heart" she says and I smile.

"Bye Kylie"
"Bye Lexi" I smile as the call ends.
"Kylie you coming for dinner?!" I hear my mom shout and I put my phone in my back pocket and head into the kitchen.
"Yeah yeah I'm here sorry" I say taking a seat at the dinner table. My mom and dad had invited my sister, John and I for dinner. My sister talked for a long time about her honeymoon before I got the call from Lexi.
"Who were you on the phone with?" My mom asks as we all dish up food for ourselves.

"Oh...Lexi actually" I say and in the corner of my eye I see my mom freeze slightly.
"Lexi?!" My sister shouts before clapping her hands together.
"Are you two getting back together? Or are you guys just sleeping together?!" My sister says as I sit back down.
"I have no idea and second that's none of your business" I say and she giggles.
"Wait didn't you sleep with that photographer guy at my wedding? Or wait I've got one better did you have a threesome with Lexi and him?" She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"You're disgusting" I say and she just laughs and John just shakes his head and smiles.
"Caitlin behave yourself!" My mom says and she sticks her tongue out.
"I didn't sleep with that guy and how did you even know that we hooked up?" I ask pointing my knife at her.
"Because I have eyes everywhere" she says smirking and I shake my head.
"We just kissed nothing more" I say.
"And Lexi?" She asks and I stay quiet.

"Ohhhhhh you did the nasty with her!" She shouts and I groan.
"Caitlin, that is not good manners for the dinner table!" Our mom shouts as I glare at her and grab some food.
"Please get back with her it was so much easier when you guys were dating" she says giving me puppy eyes.
"It's not that easy Cait, we have to discuss things" I say.
"So something did happen between you then?" She asks and I stay quiet again.

"Something did happen!" She shouts clapping her hands together in excitement. I just smile and take a bit of my steak.
"So something did happen with you and Lexi?" My dad asks breaking the silence as he takes a sip of his wine.
"Yeah...I mean I think...we haven't talked about us" I say to him and he nods his head.
"Do you want to be something with her again?" He asks and I bit my bottom lip unsure what to answer him.

"She did break your heart last time" My mom says staring at me.
"She did...but she said that she is still in love with me" I say and Caitlin slams her hands on the dinner table as everything on it shakes.
"SHE DID WHAT?!" Caitlin screams as I grab my glass of juice so that it wouldn't spill everywhere.
"I knew that bastard was still in love with you!" she says grinning from ear to ear.
"She's still in love with you?" My mom asks and I nod my head smiling at her.
"But she slept with other woman correct?" She asks and before I could even reply she was talking again.

"I mean I might be a bit old school but that doesn't sound to me like she is still in love with you?" My mom asks.
"It feels as if she's using you Kylie. Maybe just to sleep with you again and then be done with you? Or to break your heart again and fly far away again?" My mom says and my heart drops. Lexi is in Brazil right now. Is she avoiding me?
"I think you deserve someone much better than her. Someone granted to marry you" She says and I look down at my lap not quite knowing what to say. What if everything she is saying is true?

"Mom. Did you have to say all that?" Caitlin says.
"You know it's the truth caitlin. I know you two have had a difficult friendship but you saw how much of a player Lexi was and over all this time it doesn't seem to have changed at all" My mom says as Caitlin sighs.
"Mom Lexi and I had a falling out because of me and all the bullshit I did to her. I'm surprised she even forgave me in the first place but the one thing I know for certain is that Lexi was always in love with Kylie. Even after all this time I still think that she loves her" My sister says as I look at her and smile. Gosh Caitlin has matured so much after all these years it's hard to remember what she was like in highschool but I still do because she was a bitch.

"Kylie ignore moms comments. If you still love Lexi tell her and if not well then please don't string my friend along and just tell her" Caitlin says to me and I nod my head.
"I'll tell her when she gets back" I say.
"Where is she?" My mom ask and I hesitate not really wanting to tell her.
"She's in Brazil for a work thing" My mom rolls her eyes and huffs.
"See there you go proving my point" She says and I could feel myself start to crumble inside.
"She'll come back" I say softly.

"Will she?" My mom says and that's when I stand up pushing my chair back.
"I'm going to the bathroom" I say.
"Kylie wait it's okay-" Caitlin says to me but I wave her off and head to the bathroom closing the door as I start breathing rapidly. Okay just deep breath in and out. Deep breath in and out...

Why the hell is this not working?!

I pace around the bathroom struggling to breath as tears start falling down my cheeks. She's coming back. She's coming back. She is. She is. She is.

Oh, Lexi please be coming back.

* * *

*plays happy music* 🥳
I'm back! Again but hopefully this time for good as I finish this book. What do you think so far? I've missed you all and I love you all, thank you for sticking with me 💖

My sisters best friend (PART TWO)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz