How they show their love:

Start from the beginning

  Sneakily I made my way to the back of the office, standing right behind her chair. Quickly I slipped my hands atop her eyes as I brought my face closer to her ear. "Guess who!" I giggled as she tried to pry my hands off her eyes. "Y/N?" She lightly caressed my hand with one of her own as she tried to peek through my fingers. "Correct!" Removing my hands from her face, I walked to the front of her chair.

  "May I my dandelion..?" Nervously I scratched the back of my neck as she sent me a confused glance. After a few moments she seemed to get the message, smiling at me as her gaze softened in response. "Why of course dear." Instantly, my eyes lit up as she opened her arms. "YIPPEEEEEE!" I climbed into her arms, resting my head on her shoulder. Warmth filled my body as her gentle arms wrapped around my torso.

  "Mhmm my dandelion knight's so comfy~.." I happily exhaled as I nuzzled my body closer to hers. Sometimes it was hard dating Jean. Due to her line of work its pretty much impossible to get any quality time together. I understand its not her fault, she really does do her best to be around but sometimes it just dosnt work out.

  "My my, clingy today are we?" She chuckled as she caressed my cheek. I just buried my face further into her shoulder, groaning lightly. I just wanted all her affection right now, no distractions no nothing. Her arms tightened around my frame, lightly kissing the top of my head.

  "Hey Jean...could we maybe do this more often..?" She stopped everything she was doing for a moment, shifting all of her attention on me, her face flushed a bit at the sudden request.

  "Why of course my sunflower, I would hold you anytime, anywhere.."


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  NOTE: I have no clue how wind-gliding actually  works-.
  "Ehe Amber I dont think this is a good idea-" I anxiously chuckled as we stood atop a cliff. Amber had the bright idea of wind-gliding together, its not that I didnt trust her to hold onto me...well thats a lie I was scared shitless knowing how clumsy Amber was, we dont need another *COUGH* incident.

  "Oh come on, I swear I wont let go this time!" She huffed as she did a little exited stompy thing. (Yall know what im talking about?) God that was absolutely adorable, ah screw it a few extra broken bones wont kill me.

  "Auhg fine, but only because your so cute!" I winked in her direction, her face instantly turned that familiar shade of red I always loved.

  Steadily you both got into position, Amber on top of you making sure all the safety precautions and straps were firmly in place. Gently she wrapped her arm around my nervous body, reassuring the fact she was also there with me.

  "Its gonna be alright, after this we can go get some ice cream!" She excitedly brought her face closer to mine, leaving a light peck on my cheek. 

  "Amber if I end up in the hospital again your getting no cuddles for the rest of the month!"

  "Amber if I end up in the hospital again your getting no cuddles for the rest of the month!"

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  Its not often for the both of us to go out, we both agreed that its much more suitable for us to stay home and cuddle or watch a movie...But when we do it can get a bit chaotic.

  "OOO BABE LOOK AT THAT ONE!" I pointed at the gold ring with a beautiful stone in the middle. The stone had been carved into F/A, each detail down to point. I stared in 'Awe' as the piece glimmered in the suns rays.

  "Hm you like it.?" She questioned, knowing how indecisive I could be. "Mhm look it has a F/A carved into it!!" I smiled back as she stayed quiet, taking note of my current excitement. Taking another glance at the ring I caught sight of the price tag...

  "100,000 MORA?! OH HELL NAH-" I stuck my tongue out at the ring as I huffed and walked away.

  1 Day later:

  "Why the fuck did I just get a box of 50 RINGS?!? NINGGUANG-" Her arms snaked around my body as she brought her face lower.

  "You said you liked it darling...So I bought you 50."

  "But thats expensiv-"

  "My dear no amount of money could surpass my value on your happiness."

____________________________________  YIPPEEEE, YALL THANK YOU SM FOR OVER 100 VIEWS ON THIS STORY!

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  Next chapter: RANDOM ONESHOT!😀

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