Chapter 14

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"How are you?" Lewis asked me and he sat next to me "Two weeks he is like that... I can't lose him Lewis..." he kissed my hair "He is such a strong man! He can do it!" Lewis stood up "I have to go sis! I'm going to Saudi Arabia!" I stood up and I hugged him "See you soon, good luck and stay safe!" He kissed my forehead "I'll do that honey don't worry! Bye for now!" Lewis left and I sat back to my seat. I am trying to not lose my faith and believe that he'll be fine! Pierre is so strong and he can make it!

"Miss Hamilton?" I turned and I watched the doctor waking me up "Yeah?" I turned to him and I stood up "Your boyfriend is absolutely fine!" I smiled "You mean he woke up?" He nodded "Yeah! You can see him!" I ran to his room and I opened the door. I sighed, I closed the door and I started walking to the bed. As Pierre watched me he rolled his eyes "Nicole?" "Ehm.. Hi Pierre!" I sat next to him "How do you feel?" He smiled "I'm absolutely fine right now!" He touched my hand "I'm sorry Nicole... I am asking you for forgiveness..." I kissed him softly "I texted you and you didn't respond back! It's okay... Let's say it was a small break!" He took my hand and he kissed it "I love you" I smiled "I love you too Papito" I looked down and I remembered that I am pregnant "I'm pregnant" I said looking down "Pregnant?" I heard Pierre saying and I looked at him. He had a smile to his face "I'll be a dad?" I nodded knowing that he is happy "Yes!" He hugged me and I was ready to cry "Do not even cry!" He said and he placed his hands to my cheeks "I love you" he kissed me softly "I love you too" I said giggling and ready to cry. Then Pierre kissed my belly "Love you too little one!"


Few weeks later in Australia
"You sure you can drive?" I asked Pierre when he was taking on his helmet and he nodded "I'm absolutely fine!" He placed his hands to my belly and he kissed my lips "I love you! Both of you!" He kissed my forehead "Stay safe please!" He went to his car and he left. I sat to the chair of his garage and I was so nervous that I wanted to get panicked. I was trying to be as calm as I could but nothing!

Lewis won the race and Pierre ended P2. I ran to the podium and firstly Lewis came to me and he hugged me "Such an amazing race!" I said loudly "Thank you sis!" He said and he hugged me tighter. Lewis left, Pierre came to me and he hugged me tighter and I kissed him over his helmet-where I thought his lips were- "I love you!" I said, he took off he helmet and he kissed me "I love you too!".

After the podium I went to his room and I lay to his bed. My belly started getting bigger and I placed my hand there. I'm so proud that I have this baby inside me and I want to protect him or her. An hour later Pierre came "What are you doing little one there?" He kissed me softly "Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" He kissed me once again and he sat next to me "I really don't care! I want a healthy baby!" "I want that too! Do you love me?" I asked him with a grin facing "You are soo childish when you are pregnant!" I punched friendly to his arm "IDIOT!" Pierre giggled and he stood up "I'll take a shower and then we can leave for Italy!"


"We'll buy a jet!" Pierre said sitting next to me "What?" I asked him completely in shock "We'll have a baby in a few months so I have to schedule everything!" "Wait babe-babe! It's too much money!" "I don't care! I always wanted a jet and now is the moment! Will be easier for our family trips and the races you two will attend! Don't worry I'll schedule everything! I'm thankful that I'll have you two in my life and I want everything will be perfect!"

Forever us (Pierre Gasly)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz