Chapter 04

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"Pierre?" We broke the hug and I saw Kika looking at us frozen

"You know something Kika, I'll not apologise for that you see! I hugged her yes but you didn't hear our conversation!"

"Ehm Pierre? You have a girlfriend!" Kika said ironically

"Something that stops him for hugging other girls?" I asked her

"I didn't speak to you Nicole! I don't like to speak to whores!"

"Oh honey! And why you answered to me?" I stood up

"No Nicole stay I want to tell you something as well!" Pierre said grabbing my wrist

"Pierre let her go! And don't touch her!" Kika said pushing me away from him

"5" he said and I smiled at him. I left the room and I could hear them arguing

"I hate her seriously! She hurts him!" Yuki said coming next to me

"And why he doesn't break up with her?" Yuki sighed

"What? What happened Yuki?"

"You'll meet him outside Alpha Tauri now, right?" I nodded

"Yes tell me please!"

"It's non of my business Nicole don't worry he'll tell you!" He walked me outside Alpha Tauri but I was so curious. Why Pierre is not breaking up with her?

"Hey" Pierre said coming to me

"Hey!" I said and he stood up next to me

"Before you start I want to ask you something" he nodded

"Go on"

"Yuki told me that something is wrong with her!" He sighed

"I can't break up with her and I want this so badly!"

"What happened Pierre?" He sighed

"So on September you went in Ibiza with your friends, right?" I nodded "Well, you slept with a boy there, right?"

"Yes I did... How?"

"So this boy was Kika's brother and he-" Pierre sighed "He record your personal moment you know what I am talking about and Kika found it. She became mad in the beginning but then she thought that is a good idea to use it against me. If I ever wanted to break up with her she said that she'll post the video on social media" Pierre looked at me I was completely in shock!

Someone has a video of me having sex with him and his sister is using him to threaten her boyfriend that he is my ex! Why is someone caring about me having sex? Oh my god! I can imagine a site title: Hamilton's sister to a porn video! I started crying and Pierre hugged me

"I love you and I don't want you get hurt! I care about you Nicole!" Pierre said and he kissed my hair

"I want Lewis" he placed his hands to my cheeks

"I love you Nicole and I want you to know that I always will! But I can't... I can't... I want to kiss you so badly this moment but she will expose you and I don't want that for you!" I hugged him

"I love you too Pierre" we heard something coughing, we turned and we watched Yuki

"Pierre we have a meeting. I'm sorry for interrupting" he said sighing

"Yeah I'm coming... Nicole, I told Yuki about the video"

"It's completely okay don't worry!" I said

"I think I will not watch you again so good luck to both!"

"Thank you Nic!"

"Thanks Nicole!" They left and I started walking to Mercedes. I had months hearing Pierre calling me Nic and I missed it.

When I arrived to Mercedes Roscoe saw me and he ran to me

"Hi buddy!" I raised my head and I watched Angela "Hi Angie" I said standing up and smiling

"Hi Nicole! Lewis is in his room if you need him because I see that you are not okay!" I sighed

"I'm not Angie and thanks!" I went to his room and as I saw him I ran to him and I hugged him

"What happened sis?" I sat and I took a breath

"I told you that I had sex with a guy in Ibiza. Right?" Lewis nodded "Yeah... Pierre told me that he was Kika's brother and he recorded us having sex... And Kika is threatening Pierre with that video if he wants to break up with her... As I understood Pierre wants but he can't because Kika said that she post the video on social media"

"Shit shit! He is a dick! I kill him if I find him!" He said placing his hands on his hair

"I don't know what to do" I turned my face to Lewis

"Nicole seriously don't blame yourself! You can't imagine that someone is recording you! I don't know what to do too! Let me time to think and I'll let you know"

I stayed to his room until 10 minutes before the race started. I went to Lewis' garage to watch him before the race

"Feeling better?" He asked me giving a kiss to my hair

"Yeah thanks. I wanted to say good luck"

"Thanks sis I really appreciate that!" We hugged

"Go and fuck him" I whispered to his ear

"I will!" He said with a big smile I waved him and he went to his car. The took me a chair to sit there and see the race.

Lewis was starting from the Pole Position and it's really good for us. The bottle for the title it's between Max and Lewis and obviously I want my brother win! Lewis was leading to the whole race and Pierre was P13.

"The records are here to be beaten said Michael Schumacher! The record is beaten! For Lewis Hamilton! 8th time champion of the world!" The whole team started to celebrate Lewis' 8th championship and I ran to the podium as he saw me he ran and he hugged me

"I love you sis!"

"I love you too!" I said to him and he went to celebrate with his team. I'm so happy that my brother holds the record of the most championships in Formula 1! He is the greatest of all time!

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