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Ravenna was coming down the stairs when she saw Han and the others arrive back from practice. She smiled until Sean got out of his Evo. "Oh God!" She exclaimed, rushing down the stairs. She ran straight up to Sean, holding onto his face. Sean tried to pull away but Raven kept him right where she wanted to see his face. "What happened?" Raven asked, looking around Sean to Han.


"The bastard." Ravenna pushed Sean to her section of the garage. "Go, sit down, I'll clean you up."

"Raven, I'm fine-"

"Dude, go do it." Twinkie said. "She won't stop fussin' until you do." Sean sighed, rolling his eyes, but he did as Ravenna wanted. She told Reiko to go collect the first aid kit from the back of her car.

Raven walked over to Han, "What really happened?" She kept her voice low.

"He threatened Sean to stay away from Mila." Han said, crossing his arms. Ravenna closed her eyes, sighing heavily. "I didn't think he'd come and attack him like that." Han added.

Raven shook her head as Reiko brought her the first aid kit. Raven took it from her, walking over to Sean. She pulled up the stool, placing the first aid kit onto her lap. Sean remained quiet as Ravenna looked through the kit, looking for the exact things she needed to help Sean's busted lip and cut eyebrow. "Reiko, go up to our bathroom, there's a box in the cabinet. Just grab the whole thing, okay?" Sean looked at Ravenna, hearing her speak Japanese for the first time. He heard Mila, and while Mila was fluent, Raven was better.

"How long have you been speakin' Japanese?" Sean asked.

"Since I was three,"


"My dad taught English here, he learned the language and made sure Mila and I learned it too." Raven said as she pulled out a few q-tips. "It is my third language, actually."


Ravenna nodded. "Dominican Spanish, English, Japanese, and Portuguese. Learned Portuguese in school." Ravenna shrugged. She reached down, grabbing the bottle of water from the ground. She was previously working on her car before she had to run to the bathroom. Ravenna poured some water onto the q-tip, gently brushing it across Sean's mouth.

Han walked over to them, arms crossed against his chest. "She hates being called the Mother Hen." Han smirked.

Raven elbowed him in the leg. "You, shut up."

Sean snickered, then flinched at the pain. A frown appeared on his face. "I'll stay away from Mila," he said.

"You will not." Raven shook her head as Reiko came back with the box. She looked a little nervous to give it to Raven but did in the end. Raven opened the box, grabbing the bottles she needed from inside. She suddenly closed the box, setting it aside. "My sister likes you, Sean. She trusts you." Raven said, tending to Sean's injuries. "It takes a lot for my sister to trust someone, and you did it in a few short weeks. I'm impressed." Ravenna said.

"I just talked to her, and pissed off Timberlake, apparently."

"Ignore Takashi, he's just a dick."

Sean wanted to ignore Takashi, but every time he got closer to Mila, he'd come back and do something or make Mila feel uncomfortable. Maybe he should just stay away from her for the time being, at least until he could either defeat Takashi or get Mila away from him.

Mila stood off to the side, hearing Sean say he'd leave her alone for the sake of Takashi. No one had seen her come into the garage through the lounge. Mila took off, heading straight to the casino. She was goign to tell him, for real this time, that they were over. She wasn't going to have him beat up Sean just because he was threatened by him.

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