Ricky Starks - Baby Fever

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Chapter info - you tell ricky you want a baby

I and ricky have been married for 2 years
now. I feel like it's time to add to the family. Me and Ricky have been talking about taking the next step in which having kids, but we never actually try. All my friends have babies and children, and im stuck here with nothing. Even my brothers have children. I feel like now is the time to say to Ricky.

I look around the performance centre for Ricky. I've been looking and looking for ages, but i can't seem to find him. I asked Hook if he had seen him. Hook said, "i think i saw him getting ready in his ring gear. Have fun if you know what i mean. i roll my eyes. "Hook no" and walk away.

I eventually find Ricky he's getting ready in his ring gear. Today he's wearing my favourite colour blue. "Hey Ricky, i was wondering if i could talk to you about something?" I ask nervously.
"Yeah, but can it wait until after the match, please, babe?" My heart sinks a bit because I had the perfect plan, but i dont want to be selfish and make what i say affect him in his match because after all its the wins that matter not the losses. "Yeah... of course, it can wait. Good luck. im going to be rooting for you!" "Thanks, babe. I'll see you later. " he kisses me after he says this.

I try and distract my mind from the whole baby fever situation. I try and chat with as many people who are willing to uphold a conversation with me. This includes Reene Young. She just had a baby with AEW star Jon Moxley. She lets me hold her little girl. She then, out of the blue, asks, "You want a baby, don't you?" This takes you to suprise as you didn't realise it was that obvious. "Yeah, i do, im going to ask ricky after the match." "Honestly i can see Ricky wanting a baby with you. He's always hanging around with Jon and the baby. He's always around the locker rooms, children playing and talking to them. He'd be a great dad, very down to earth. You'd be a caring mother, too, Y/N!" I smile at this.
" Thank you, Reene, he's just won his match, and I'm going to ask him now. It's now or never." I quickly walk away to Rickys locker room

"Ricky, it's me, i was wondering if i could tell you the thing i was going to tell you earlier?" I say, sitting down on the free chair in the room. "Yeah, of course babe whats up?" He sits in the chair next to me and holds my hand and rubs circles with his thumb. "Ricky, look, im going to be truthful. I have a baby fever. I've had a baby fever for such a long time. I really want to be a mum. I want nothing more to have our children playing outside. Then our grandchildren playing outside with you grey haired by my side. What im trying to say really is Ricky. i really want to have a baby with you. I want to be a mother, and i think you'd be the most caring father of all. I've seen you with Jon and Reenes, baby. " i say all this in one breathe and it does feel like a weight is off my shoulders completely. We just sit in silence for a minute or two, comprehending what I've just said. Ricky finally breaks the silence "Y/N ever since we got married I've wanted kids with you damn even when we just got together i knew i wanted you to carry and be the mother of my kids. We can make it work. We'll start trying right away." A tear slips from my eye from the realisation that i could be a mum soon. "Ricky...i.."
"No baby shh its okay. Don't cry." We just hug in silence, not an awkward silence but a calming silence. "Y/N, im so happy i married you. I love you."
"I love you too." "Now about this baby......"

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