chapter 9 - truth

Depuis le début

" wait Kahar? High council? maksud kau? " i asked confusion written on my face

" Kau tau kan Kahar tu Kapla ?" Fakhri said

" tau je, masalahnya apa kena mengena Kahar dengan ikhsan pindah?" i asked again

" sebenarnya... " Fakhri told her everything from him asking Fakhri to settle, messing up their room, taking his phone from him and crushing it , spray painting Ikhsan's locker , told the whole batch to ignore Ikhsan and basically everything he has done to them

at that moment Arisa could feel nothing but rage, she couldn't believe she had possibly think of being with someone like him, she couldn't believe she had spend so much time with someone like him, she couldn't believe that her brother knew all of this and maybe even participated in it...

After knowing why and how the High Council was created from Ayam, Arisa went back to her dorm with a heavy heart

she had a million questions in her head that it hurts to even pick one

she felt like her head was banging and suddenly...

Arisa fainted on the stairs...


it was around 2 am and Kahar had just finished reading the Kitab High Council to fight his insomnia

He suddenly felt like peeing

the boy went out of the room to go to the toilet

After he peed, he decided to use the long way back to his room as he had nothing else to do and he couldn't sleep

passing the stairs he thought he saw something

" fuck la " he cursed under his breath

with all the braveness in him he gathered the strength to take a peek at the stairs once

what he saw made his heart sink

he immediately went to her side picking her up he saw some blood coming out of the girls head , she must've accidentally fell or fainted he thought

the blood seem new so he felt a bit relieved

he took the girl in his hands and picked her up bridal style going to her room

Kahar then kicked her door open and layed her on the bed

He took some tissues she had on the table and went to the sink and wetted it

he gently wipe off the blood that was dripping on the girl's face

Kahar then ran to his room to wake Fahmi up

he shook the boy's body hoping he would wake

" Fahmi bangun la sial ! FAHMI " he shouted

Fahmi woke up feeling angry that Kahar had woken him up

Fahmi looked at his watch seeing it was 2:00 am

" amende sial kau kejut aku pukul 2 aku nak tido la babi " he cursed

" ARISA PENGSAN KAT TANGGA BABI " Kahar replied angrily

Fahmi's eyes grew wide as he immediately went out of the bed and ran to his sister's room slamming the door open

he watched as the blood on her forehead was dripping

Fahmi went to her sister's side to check for her pulse

" dik bangun dik, DIK BANGUN " he said not knowing what to do

Kahar was looking at him

both didn't know what to do

suddenly the hand that was still suddenly moved to touch Fahmi's hand

" ADIK " he exclaimed

" aku taknak tengok muka kau " she simply said looking at both Kahar and Fahmi

" dik kau dah kenapa ? " Fahmi looked at her confused

" Arisa..." Kahar said taken aback from what the girl who had just woken up said

" Kau tak payah ban Arisa Arisa la sial, kau ingat aku tak tahu apa yang kau buat selama ni ke ? Kau tau tak Ikhsan pindah esok sebab apa kau buat ? " she said looking directly into Kahar's eyes

she then moved her sharp gaze to her brother

" Pastu kau ? kau ikut je kan sebab apa ? supaya kau dapat kuasa kan? kau memang sial la bang... dulu waktu aku kena buli kau bukan main lagi marah nak ajak laki tu bertumbuk la , kau cakap dia tu manusia sampah la sampah masyarakat kan ? sekarang ni? orang kena buli kau join je kan ? kau tu yang....sampah " she said with venom laced in her tongue

Fahmi couldn't say anything because he knew it was the truth

" Arisa , kau kena tahu abang kau buat semua benda tu bukan saja saja, kitorang buat untuk mendidik diorang dan kitorang buat untuk mempertahankan- " Kahar started as he was soon cut off by Arisa

" MENDIDIK KEPALA BAPAK KAU !! " she yelled as she got out of bed making the two boys in her room worried

" eh-" the boys exclaimed

" sepatutnya kau sebagai kapla tunjuk contoh yang baik bukan contoh macam sial " she said as she got infront of the boy

" aku taknak tengok muka kau depan aku lagi " she said

" adik- " Fahmi started as he went to the two

the girl looked at the two boys in disgust

" if you've apologised to every single person you've hurt at this school come back to me " she said as she went into the toilet not wanting to see their faces anymore

"fuck.." both the boys said in unison


macam mana ni geng ? 😥😥😥 terpaksa buat perjumpaan satu sekolah la si Kahar tu...

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