chapter 5 - eh eh?

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Arisa's POV

" eh Kahar, kau buat ape sini ?" i asked shaken as it was unexpected

Kahar looked at me with his gorgeous dark brown eyes

he looked really... pretty?

" oh Fahmi suruh aku bawak kau pegi perjumpaan malam ni " he said

" oh yg high council whats so ever tu ke ? " i said making his jaw dropped as i spoke about it like it was just a small thing

" what? did i say anything wrong ?"

" uh no aku just tak expect tu dari um... kau"

out of nowhere Fahmi came and immediately tapped Kahar on the shoulder

" form 4 dah ready jum ah cau " Fahmi said lokking at me and Kahar

Fahmi then lead the way while me and Kahar followed him from behind

" uh Arisa.." Kahar spoke up

" hm? "

" Nanti waktu perjumpaan tu aku akan suruh kau kenal kan diri kau as some of them tak tau lagi kau sapa so dont be shocked if i call u to the stage okay ? and if im being too much do tell me " Kahar said giving me a heads up

" alright Encik Kahar "

At the hall

when we entered the hall i immediately went to my barisan rumah which is obviously Tuah

i went in the middle of Amirr and Naim

" kau buat pe sini ? " Naim asked

" sukati aku la, dah dah diam " i said shutting him up

" Arisa " Amirr called me

"yes? " as soon as i said that suddenly my brother and his high council friends came out

so dramatic for no reason istg

" assalamualaikum form 4 " said Kahar

" waalaikumussalam..."


" aku anak beti- " i said getting cut off with another one of Kahar's yelling




as Kahar said that all of the form 4 did the like half bent shit

" fuck lah sial " i said which got Kahar's attention

" eh eh cik adik... cik adik tak payah lahh mek ikut abang atas pentas meh " he said taking me by the arm and walking me towards the stage

i looked at him dead in the eyes while he just kept his jerk attitude

on the stage i saw Fahmi glaring at Kahar as he was holding my arm

Kahar then put his hands up as if his guilty to show guilty to Fahmi

" kenalkan diri kau " kahar said

" uh nama aku Noor Arisa Ardina...aku perempuan pertama kat KUDRAT... ape lagi eh ? " i said looking at Abang and Kahar

" umur umur " Hakeem spoke up

" uh umur aku 16 "

" birthday ? " Hakeem said as he got out a notebook

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