chapter 10 - sorry?

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TW : trauma, self harm

it was the next day and Arisa didn't went to school that day. She decided it was best if she just stayed and rest alone

that however let her to start overthink everything that had happened last night

maybe she was too hard on them

maybe they deserved it

maybe she should've listened to their side of the story

but bullying? that's something she really was sensitive about

the girl used to be bullied for her size and how nice she was

people often stab her in the back and bullied her and she just took it as a normal thing till that one point when she got back home with a bruised face and lip

that was when Fahmi found out she had been bullied and started being overprotective over her

he had always told her to fight back and never let people bully her but now he's the one who does it

thinking of her experience getting bullied Arisa can't help but blame herself

she felt so shit and weak

Arisa is a very sensitive person, she had an unstable mental health most probably because of the traumatic incident during her childhood

her mother was abusive but she loved her

their mother had always guilt tripped them and gave them silent treatment

out of nowhere, the depressive girl was sitting on the edge of her bed having a mental breakdown

the girl started throwing everything she saw including her phone

shattered pieces of glass and some other objects was seen around the room

she felt as if everything was falling apart

she started to walk to her locker to take some medicine

that was when she saw it

she saw the blades in her wallet

Arisa's POV

i kept it

ive been clean for 3 months

but i kept it

i still kept it even though i wanted to quit

but i couldn't

i knew i would always go back to it as my source of comfort

its a bad coping mechanism but its the best way i had

third person POV

Arisa started walking closer to her table reaching for the wallet on the table

the wallet had a clear pocket where it was full of blades

there was about 5 blades in there

she was browsing through the pocket full of blades when suddenly the door slammed open

there stood Amirr who had been searching for her disappearance

Arisa accidentally took her hold away from the wallet out of shock which made the blades in the girl's wallet drop out one by one

looking at the scene , the boy was shocked as he had never seen such a scene in real life

the boy carefully walked past the shattered objects and blades over to the girl who had broke down once again

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