Chapter 11

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When Jamie got home the house was completely empty, not even Clifford was home. So she took her time and got ready for bed before her parents came home.

When they finally got home, Jamie was siting in her bed reading a book Andi had recommended to her the week before.

Jamie wasn't aware of her parents getting back until she saw her mom standing her doorway with a big smile on his face.

"What?" Jamie questioned, "You look like how you do when you end a show."

All he did was point to her neck.

Her neck.

Where Andi had been only two hours ago.

Then it hit her.

Jamie crawled to the edge of her bet and got on her knees and started begging to her mom who was still standing arms crossed in the hallway"No no no, mom please no don't tell dad, no I won't here the end of this. Like ever."

"Don't tell me what?"

Jamie wanted to crawl under her blanket and never leave. Her dad was never going to stop bringing it up. Especially to Tommy.

Jamie was staring at her mom hoping he wouldn't tell her dad, but of course that wouldn't happen. Instead all he did was point to Jamie's neck and make a kissing sound.

Her dad's eyes when wide in shock, and for what seemed like forever he just stood there contemplating how he should react. Even though they all knew what he wanted to do.

But somehow what he did was so unexpected it mad it worse.

All he said was "Congratulations" and then he walked out of the room with a smug look on his face with a intrigued Harry following him from behind.


When Jamie woke up she was faced with a problem she should've thought of the night before. Because once she woke up she only had thirty minutes to get ready and get out of the house. But this time she had to include actually using makeup to cover something up.

Her only solution was to get help from Casey and Stephanie.

After rushing her normal morning routine, she had ten minutes to spare to get Tommy's moms help. And use their supplies. She came into the house with two goals. Getting her hickey covered. And for Tommy not to find out.

Thankfully, Tommy was still sleeping when Jamie got there.

Stephanie agreed to help right away and dragged her to her and Casey's shared shared bathroom to help her. It only took four minutes.

Her and Tommy were out the door eight minutes later without Tommy knowing why she was there so early.

School went by fast without any problems other than Sophie trying to attach herself to Tommy every two seconds and the normal stares that Jamie would get anywhere she would go.

But when she got home, her parents had some news for her.

Authors note:
HIIIIII, sorry its been a while!!!! I'm gonna try to update next week. Been busy lately. Sorry its so short and for the cliffhanger:/

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