Chapter 2

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"LOUIS SHES AWAKE!"Harry's body was in a state of shock. His baby was ok.

Louis ran into the room almost tripping from his speed, out of breath and also in shock all he could do was stare at her with the biggest smile Harry had ever seen.

"Wait what happened? Why the fuck are you guys looking at me like that?

"You're okay" Louis answered still smiling.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?" Jamie didn't understand why her parents were being so weird.

"Jamie do you remember anything about last night?" the nurse asked when she walked into the room.

"I think I remember a red car crashing into my side of the car, and then um I can't remember anything after that"

Harry fought back a sob.

"After the hit, you went unconscious. But no need to worry no damages other than a broken finger and a slight concussion."

"Okay so why are you guys looking at me like I almost just died? Because I don't feel like I did nor do I think that my condition ever got to that point during my wonderful nap."

"Jamie are you seriously questioning why your parents are stressed after you just got into a car crash? Would you rather us not be concerned at all? Because trust me that would've been better for all of us."

"Why do you sound more stressed now? What did I miss?"

"We'll explain everything once the doctor checks up on you. I'm going to call Rachel" Harry says rushing out the room with his phone in his hand.


"Harry is she okay?" is the first thing Rachel says when she answers the phone.

"Of course she is, it's Jamie how else would she be?" he answers with a tight smile on his lips.

"Have you told her yet?"

"After the doctors check her, I don't want to stress her out."

"Good, good. Tell her I hope she feels better.And Harry, whenever you have an answer, call me so I can help you sort it out"

"Of course. Thanks for all the help by the way, we seriously wouldn't be able to do this without you."

"Well that's my job Harry, tell Jamie and Louis I send my love. Bye."

"Stop protecting me and tell me what happened and why you both are so stressed"

Harry sucked in a long breath, how would they tell her? The secret that is Jamie is finally about to come out? How would she react? Would she hate them? If she cried would it be out of happiness or sadness?

"Jamie, I heard you had gotten hurt while I was on stage. The second I heard you were hurt I ran off the stage without a word. They had to cancel the concert halfway through."

"Both the fans and the media have no clear understanding on why your mom ran off stage because all Rachel could really tell them was that it was a family emergency. People saw me in the hospital and then your mom came in as fast as he could. The paps are probably still outside in the parking lot trying to see if we come outside again. While you were asleep we talked it through and ultimately decided we think its best if we tell the truth on why your mom really ran off stage without warning. You don't have to decide now, but we both know that its been something you wanted us to do for a while. We did all this to protect you, but if you're really ready for it, then we will be too."

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