2_This is War ( MBLAQ )

Bắt đầu từ đầu

" Sky .... " At first sky shocked because someone suddenly hug him but when he know who is hugging him, he hug back.

" Phi phai "

" Im sorry ... I cant pick up you call "

" Its okay phi, but when did you came phi ? " Sky asked while release the hug and phai kiss him in the forehead and cheek

" Not long ago, after rain finally can call phayu, phayu drag me here even though i didnt sleep yet "

" Because i know you wont turn on your phone, so i need to drag you. " Cut phayu still hugging rain.

" Phi phai .. Phi phayu .... Um ... Im sorry "

" Huh ? "

" Because of me .. Phi uea ... "

" Sky .... Look at me, its not you fault or rain .. We wont blame both of you. Rain told us everything. And we grateful that you and rain arrive on time before its too late "

" But .. If we check up phi uea ... "

" Sky .... Its okay ..... Now lets focus on uea, phayu and i bought some food for both of you lets eat and after that i'll send both of home so you guys can take a rest "

" But phi uea "

" Me and phayu will take care of uea for now, you guys didnt get enough sleep right ?. Both of you still have another assignment to do so you need a proper rest " Phai said and bring sky to eat. And phayu bring rain to sit beside him. They ate in silence no one talk, phayu looking at his lover and sky and sighed.

" You know ..... This is not first time uea like this " Phayu broke the silence

" Phayu .. " Phai warning phayu to not tell anything

" If we didnt tell them, they will blame themself phai, look at them ? They look so restless because they think its their fault "

" What do you mean phi ? "

" I mean this is not first time uea got hospitalized because sleeping pills "

" This 4th time he got hospitalized with same pattern, too much sleeping pill but today is the worst since he got in the bathtub after take a sleeping pill so he almost drowning "

" Did phi uea used to take sleeping pill ? "

" Yes, i think he started take sleeping pill at 13 year old, but not often. Usually when he stress out or too much pressure he will start having nightmare and make him cant sleep well. But it became habit for him to used sleeping pill and because of that the dose is increasing day by day because a normal dosage didnt work anymore. And uea didnt realize the maximum dosage until he was overdose. " Phayu finished talking.

" That why me and phayu ask for you guys to keep an eyes on uea because we know after 'that' incident uea starting to have sleep problems and this is what we afraid of. He didnt realize the maximum dosage of his sleeping pills "

" So ... Please dont blame yourself because of this, its not you guys fault. Especially its not your fault sky " Phayu emphasize his word for sky. Phayu know all of people sky will be blame himself. Phai looking at his lover, since the incident sky became more silent and he know after this sky will blame himself more. His lover is too soft hearted. Phai hold sky hand gently.

Synchronicity  Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ