Mr Stranger

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Yibo's POV ;

I handle myself well enough and success in not to cry like a baby in a train. After that I fold the letter and put it neatly in my bag back then checked other things like addresses and money too.

After sometime i take a look at Mr Stranger and again he was deep in his thoughts or can say trying to control his nervousness maybe he is not good with train travelling. I read alot about humans psychology that's why I know.

"Hey you didn't ask why I changed seats with you" said Mr Stranger weakly.

"Because you are not feeling Well and have some issues with train travelling" I replied calmly and looking straight ahead but feeling awesome inside that Mr Stranger talking to me.

"How do you know" he asked shockingly with his eyes looking at me and almost getting out of his socket hahaha.

"You were nervous the whole time and looking too pale like you are going to faint at any moment soon" i said calmly again.

"I don't get it how come you know what exactly I am feeling right now just by looking my face. Are you some kind of face reader or what" he said irritatedly and amazed too.

I really want to laugh out loud like seriously who believe this crap nowadays FACE READER my foot. I am just a normal person who reads lots of books about psychology and body language. Now come on guys do you believe in it honestly i don't.

I turned to face him and looked in his eyes deeply. He was really handsome man now when I look closely with this not so much distant hahaha.

"No I am not a face reader but a student of psychology who reads alot about human psychology and body language. Do you have any problem with that" I asked him calmly but challenging to say something wrong and you gonna regret that.

We are still staring at each other. He didn't say anything just looked at me with amazement and upward eyebrows. Then I turned back and sit straight. I can tell that he was still staring at me and I like his attention on me. I can be selfish sometimes too right hahaha.

After sometime i felt that he's no longer that nervous which he was when I arrived at train. Now he was just staring outside the window but still sweating so I offered him my water bottle. I didn't say anything just offer him. He looked at me funnily.

"You are sweating alot and this is not good for your body. Your body will dehydrate so drink some water it will relax your nervousness too" I said calmly.

"Thank you" he replied in low voice with a small smile and Oh god that was it I can say I am liking this person more and more. Then he drunk some water from my bottle and give it back to me. I take it back and put it in my bag.

"Hello my name is XIAO ZHAN and thank you so much for taking care of me without even asking and knowing me. Sorry for my rude behaviour before I was just not in my best mood. What's your name btw" he told me in his normal voice this time I guess. His voice this time was more sweet and music for me.


Thank you for reading guys...

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