"I... Will not go to jail. Not as I am, where I am. I will fight for this pathetic life of mine. It's the only thing I have." She was panicking under the surface. Scrambled to right herself her eyes moved to where her bow was and nothing here could be a worse situation for her than this. Astrid wore worn leather armor. You didn't have to be observant to understand she was well versed in combat. This was not something she could easily win. It was a little ironic that when she felt the will to at least live and the fire was rekindled within her soul there was one here threatening to snuff it out.

"Jail?" She shifted on her feet, clearly amused. Her eyes were locked on Gweneith. "There is a third option. We noticed because we relate. This 'pathetic life' is not the only thing you have. There is an artistry within you. There is a spark. There is the ability to do what is necessary in spite of right and wrong within you. You have potential and we have need. More than that though, even uninitiated to my world you already belong. You can submit to us."

The words did not fall of deaf ears as the others from the past month had to her. Without realizing it, her shoulders were square. There was a confidence within her she could no longer recognize and yet Astrid was pulling it out of her. The woman was a master at this, it seemed. There was even a small hitch when she spoke the words us, which did not go unnoticed by the hunter. "You... Are a guild..."

"Brotherhood, really. Family. You fit. You always fit, but Fenrald had to bring it out of you. I'm thankful to him for that, but make no mistake he did deserve it, but he also delivered you upon us." She pulled out a small book from what appeared to be a huddle satchel on her person. It was little more than half the size it should be. She held it out, handing it off. It was immediately opened to small, cramped writing of a detailed version of her crime. When she got to the end, her eyes scanned the words four times to make sure she understood it. 'This is liberation.' The words were a strange comfort to her her skin tingles and burns with a desire as she looked back up to Astrid, the woman closing the gap while she read and placing her hand on the book. "I offer a place to really belong. You belong with us. All you have to do is share in the family business."

"Of killing people?" She lowered the book a little, Astrid taking it back with a soft smile. "But..."

"No one is ever innocent. All of them out there have done something worth dying bloody over. Including both of us. You are a sweet angel of death offering release from this world to those who deserve it." She took in a deep breath, watching Astrid be comforting instead of frightening. Someone proposing cold blood Murder was a hot blanket for her. "Gweneith. You were ready to kill me to stay away from jail. You can do this. Just give me an answer."

"Yes." There it was again, her spring loaded words on a hair trigger. Even so she was confident now with the answer. She somehow seemed friendlier now, even if she were no less intimidating.

"Good. We can go see everyone else now."

"Everyone else?"

"Did you think I was the only one in the brotherhood?"

"No. I just think this might be a little overwhelming for me."

"Remember, you're stronger than you think. Now pack up what you need only. We have a schedule to keep."

"Leave my campsite? Just as it is?"

"Minus your needed possessions of which there should be no more than a small pack full."

"You sure you have room for me?"

"Of course we do. Although, I usually run a test... But I feel like I can bypass that this time."

"A test?"

"Yes. To see if you will follow orders. My orders." The rapid back and forth ended there for a beat if Astrid's heart. The next words that were spoken would seal it for her. Gweneith was starting to understand things better. She also saw within Astrid some of the same tendency she saw in her old life. The question she mull over was how much she cared. Seeing the path of manipulation didn't mean that it was harmful. Being used by someone when you knew about it was entirely different.

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