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We've been flying over the Pacific Ocean for awhile now,Cy's telling us everything his tracking gadget is telling him.
"Ok,we get it Cyborg,just tell us when something important comes up." Terra says over the head set.
I here Cyborg's frustrated mumbles in my head set.
"Stay on track titans." I say through the tiny microphone. "Starfire,have you found anything on any of our villains?" I ask Star. (She's doing research on every villain we've ever fought to see if they've played a trick like this before)
"I haven't found anything completely accurate yet,husband Robin." Her sweet voice answers." "However,Angel,Kyd Wykkyd,and Cheshire seem the suspicious. Although,Kyd Wykkyd is not very likely because he is still on a team." "Ok team,you heard her,when we get there keep an eye out for those guys." I say.
"We won't find her." Beast boy growls.
"She's your wife BB,and our sister,why would you say something so negative?" Cyborg asks,sounding disappointed.
"I agree Beast boy." I add. "I'm not being negative,I'm being realistic." Beasty yells angrily.
"Calm down Beast boy,we know your angry but-" I get cut off by a loud ringing in my headset. "Ugh!" I clench my jaw in pain,taking my hands off the control sticks and holding my head. I hear static in the head set and a very faint sound of what sounds like growling. I also hear the other titans reacting to the headsets,so I know it didn't just happen to me. I look frantically around the ship,I see Beastboy through his window. He's turned into the beast!
The ship starts to lean to the side that Beast boy's on and starts plow through the clouds in the sky,about to fall into the water. I try to grab the controls and fly up,but Beast boy's weight is tearing it down. "BEASTBOY!" I yell. "WE ARE GONNA DIE IF YOU DON'T CALM DOWN!" But it's too late,the ship starts to sink down into the ocean,lopsided.
I switch it to submarine form,I still can't control it for some reason,but at least it will handle the water pressure better. Beasty turns into himself again (with the help of Stsrfire). We sink farther and father down. The head sets start to work again.
"Now we're all going to die,thanks a lot Beasty!" Terra says angrily,she's right. "I can't help it!" Beastboy snaps back,"I was mad!"
"We're upset about Raven missing too,but we don't go psycho about it!" Cyborg shouts. "Shut up!" I hear Beastboy yell.
Stsrfire barely ever gets mad (obviously) but when she does...sexy!
What she does works,everyone is quiet. We're all quiet as we slowly sink,to the very depths of the ocean,knowing death is soon to come.
(A/N:So sorry for taking forever to update!!!!! I had the WORST writers block EVER! But I'm back
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆)

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