ابدأ من البداية

" tae " jimin said in a whisper

" is he alright jimin ah---is--Is jeongguk " taehyung asked his voice cracking and shaking as he asked jimin was sure he is crying

" come back tae please--we ca--"

" no jimin I can't" taehyung immediately spated

" will you tell me the reason atleast " jimin asked and taehyung sniffed

" I can't tell you " taehyung said cutting the call and jimin closed his eyes tight as he felt so bad for lying to yoongi and jeongguk

" im so sorry jeongguk " jimin said as he went to the room and layed on the bed and without knowing he slept

" please be alright love " taehyung said as he looked out the moon shining so brightly on his face the only thing that connects jeongguk and him is the moon as taehyung was facing the moon he felt like he is holding onto jeongguk


And from that day jeongguk felt like he lost all the colours form his life his life felt so empty taehtung left a big hole on his life it's already a year and a half taehyung is not with him jeongguk became cold---very cold like a glacier

He hated everyone his eyes always long for a particular person he wanted to see but he always ended up not finding

His life lost its meaning he lost his love He lost his baby then what else he have in this world to loose more--nothing jeongguk had nothing he comes home everyday and drinks all the alcohol made the light in his eyes dim

All the proposals all the connections felt so boring he felt numb don't feel like eating he became so lean jeongguk fell into the depression not like when it was like the first but taehyung made a big impact on him jeongguk never removed the ring from his neck he holded into it every time he have a panic attack he flet like holding taehyungs hands

On the other hand taehyung grew more and more mature the baby eun so is 1 and a half year old he started to crawl on the floor sometimes taehyung feel so greedy as he made jeongguk not see his own son growing up it made taehyungs heart ache

But all this cries end one day all the agony and pain the both pure souls held will vanish one day on one fine day


" jeongguk ssi have you signed the documents " a sweet voice resonated on the pitch silent room jeongguk sitting on the ceo chair moved some files without saying anything and the girl went to the table and grabbed the files

" one document in missing jeongguk ssi" the girl said and jeongguk looked up and pointed to the other side the girl frowned as she saw the folder

" you didn't sign them ? " The girl asked

" it has corrections " jeongguk said his voice was a rasp the girl was so amazed by jeongguks voice she had merely hear him twice before and this is the third time

" yes sir I'll correct it " the girl said as she grabbed the file and went out

Jeongguk leaned in the chair as he took in a deep breath his eyes had dark circles around he was looking so weak

" jeongguk ah " yoongi came in while holding some papers

" yoongi hyung " jeongguk said in a low voice as he continues to tap on his keyboard

" well the new business deal is confirmed " yoongi said

" that's good hyung when is the meeting" jeongguk asked

" 7th of June " yoongi said

" great prepare the arrangements " jeongguk said " but jeongguk ah " yoongi said and jeongguk looked up and saw yoongi looking restless

SWEET POISON | TAEKOOK حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن