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Taehyung  was stunned he was stunned of vennices streets are so colourful so lively yet his heart was longing for a bunny he didn't knew jeongguk will be this big part in his life but sure jeongguk is his life

" well I didn't got lost this time " taehyung said to himself as he reached his appartment

The thing is taehyung tried to go out for once and eventually he got lost in the new city then he called yeonjun to come over and help him but this time taehyung is kinda memorized the place he was here for 4 weeks more like 1 month now

He is now 3 and a half months pregnant his belly was slightly swelled but not recognizable the colluges at his hospital was nice to him jimin called him more than he called to yoongi asking if he is fine and stuff

Taehyung was thinking about all these and he opned the Door but the door opned automatically a small male opned the Door as he saw taehyung standing infront of the door frame

" do you need something Mr?"the boy asked as he looked so cute and taehyungs eyes widen when he saw the boys stomach it was----big like so.ethjng was in there taehyung didn't take off his eyes as he looked at the boys stomach

" excuse me are you a pervert " the boy asked as he hit his stomach with his hands

" um---this is my apartment " taehyung said in deep melodious voice

" well for your information this is my boyfriends apartment who are you " the boy asked his face slightly getting red

Taehyung blinked his eyes as he looked at the male and looked at the door number yeah he is in the correct house

" but---" taehyung was cutt of when he heard another voice

" soobin baby who is at the door " a shirtless yeonjun showed up he saw Tse and quickly covered himself

" I don't know yeon I think some kind of wierdo I think " soobin said as he glared cutely at taehyung taehyung wants to coo at it

" ah baby he is mu housemate taehyung" yeonjun said as he threw on a t shirt and ran back to the door

" im so sorry taehyung ssi my boyfriend is moody " yenjun said as he pulled soobin out of the way as he let taehyung in soobin still glaring at taehyung

" taehyung ssi this is my boyfriend soobin and soobin baby he is taehyung" yeonjun said and taehyung bowed to the sulking male the little male just humped

" well---yeonjun ssi is your boyfriend pregnant ? ----no offence " taehyung said as he rested his hands on his chest

" yeah he is it's kind of normal why taehyung ssi " yeonjun asked and saw soonbin sulking over the refrigerator

" well yeonjun ssi the thing is " taehyung said

" wow taehyung ssi you're pregnant too----wow that's really awesome------may I ask you if you have a boyfriend or--" yeonjun asked and saw taehyungs face falling down the light draining out from his face

" I had yeonjun ssi---but I have to leave him for certain reasons " taehyung said his voice so deep it almost cracks

Suddenly taehyung felt a hand on his shoulders he looked and saw soobin sitting beside him flashing his cute smile

" we are here for you taehyung ssi , we will take care of you and tye little champ growing inside you " soobin said as he hugged taehyujg from the side yeonjun looked at both of them fondly with warm eyes

" thanks a lot " taehyujg whisperd as he let a lone tears roll down his cheeks


" WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS---" a loud angry voice of jeongguk boomed on the ceo cabin as he scrunched a certain documents

SWEET POISON | TAEKOOK Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora