Zhongli smiled at the ruined boy beneath him. He leaned, whispering to him "look how messy you are, covered in your own blood and sweat.. but your noises are too pretty for me to stop. Everyone can hear you, they're waiting for me but I'm up here with you.. isn't that so kind of me?"

He softly grabbed Childe's chin, making him look at him, running his hand down his neck, softly touching along his collar bones.
Childe wanted to cry but he couldn't. The way Zhongli spoke to him, touched him. Then proceeded to give him extreme pain. He was so conflicted, but he couldn't let it get to him.
He wasn't supposed to be this weak. But what else was he supposed to do?
He winced every-time Zhongli's fingers touched him. No matter how soft.

The blood loss was starting to make him dizzy, and he finally spoke. Though it wasn't what zhongli wanted to hear.
"I'm going to bleed out.." his voice was hoarse and broken.
He only received a stare.
"Then bleed out. If you don't give me what I want then I will make you regret ever thinking about taking this job." Zhongli spoke bitterly. He dragged his index finger between Childe's pecs before turning away.

"You will break, little boy."
He left the room, slamming the door. Making Childe jump.
He breathed out. He was growing fearful. If this was just the start he couldn't imagine the end.

Zhongli fixed his suit in his bathroom, making sure he didn't have blood on it. Fixing his hair then sighing.
He found his way to the stairs and walked down. There he was greeted by two people, aside from Xiao and Hu Tao.
It was the one and only Lady Ningguang and her assistant Keqing.

He needed to talk to them about the very man he was just torturing. He noticed the tea on the table and how the women engaged in idle conversations.
Xiao pitching in every-once in a while.

He approached the table and Ningguang stood, slightly bowing her head "Greetings, Morax"
He nodded and sat down with them.

"Hu Tao, I would like if you went up there and patched him up, I don't want him dying yet." Zhongli spoke very casually. This wasn't anything unusual after all.
Hu Tao nodded in response and left the table, waving to Ningguang and Keqing before she ascended the stairs.

Hu Tao found her way around the second story of the house. They had a bathroom that specifically hosted first aid items. So she grabbed that and clean sheets. She knows she wasn't told to change out his bedding but sitting in his own blood is just gross.
She walked into Childe's room, carrying a handful of things.

She set them down next to the bed, looking over the injuries Childe suffered.
He looked at her, his eyes had dark circles and he looked extremely worn out.
She smiled at him.
"Hey don't look so down! This is barely anything, if you just tell him now he won't cut off your arms."
Hu Tao spoke with such casualty. Grabbing out the gauze and bandages.

She also set out some pain medication and disinfectant.
She used a warm wet towel to wipe the dry blood.

"I'm not going to tell him anything.. he could end my life and I still wouldn't regret not being a rat."
Childe spoke bitterly. Even though it was sour he just needed to talk normally with someone. After being so devoid of human interaction.

Hu Tao hummed in response, starting to apply the disinfectant. Making Childe wince.
"Well I think you're life is worth more than you make it out to be.. you might feel differently after but I think Morax likes you and just wants you to comply so you can work with him."
She started to bandage him, leaving the deep cuts to be stitched up later on.
"He's not going to kill you after he gets his answer like he does with most.. he told me so."

Childe didn't know how to react. He promised to lay down his life for The Tsaritsa. She took him in, raised him, fed him and gave him shelter. It was like he was turning his back on his own mother.
But he started to think. What if he ran into Zhongli instead. Would the old man take him in, possibly treat him better than The Tsaritsa ever could?
He shook his head. How dare he think that way. All the pain was getting to him.

"I'm surprised.. no matter how much I liked him. If we were in opposite positions he would've been dead long ago."
Child mumbled, turning his head away from Hu Tao.
"He's weak compared to me. All he's done is use drugs to keep me compliant. I would've held him by his throat while cutting him open-" Childe was starting to anger himself, but he was cut off by a flick to the forehead.

"Best be glad I'm not telling him this. But remember just because his methods are different, doesn't mean you're not in for a world of pain. He's patient and smart. This is all apart of it. And I highly doubt you could win a one on one fight with him.." She explained with a bit of sass.
The ginger just stayed quiet. He didn't like to think that someone was getting the best of him. Or else he actually might start feeling weak.

He listened to Hu Tao, she should know better than anyone.
"I can guarantee tomorrow is going to be hell. He's getting upset with you, just give him a little bit. He knows a lot he just wants to hear it from you."

She cleaned up, putting all the items away. She had a water bottle, holding it up to Childe's mouth, where he slowly drank as to not choke from lying down.
She then slipped a pill in his mouth and gave him more water.
He drank almost all of it, he was dehydrated and hungry. But she didn't let him.

"I'm not going to change your sheets now, I'll wait til he lets you use the bathroom. But I wouldn't be surprised if he made you urinate on yourself." She spoke honestly and brutally. And Childe didn't like it.
He had started to get used to Zhongli's dreamy narrative. Where he spoke as if the world they were in was fake.

So he was growing conflicted.

Hu Tao packet up her stuff and left the room, but not after explaining that Xiao would be in here in a minute to stitch Childe up.
Now he just had to wait and not try to pass out.
But the medicine that was regularly used on him was almost completely worn off. So the pain was setting in. Getting unbearable.



I didn't go to bed until 2 am for the third day in a row and it's starting to affect me guys

Glaze Lillies - Zhongchi - Mafia AUOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora