Chapter two

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The chaotic midnight passed and the universe brought another day with the shining stripes of the Scottish sun hitting Hufflepuff's dorms, waking the one by one the students. Grace Johnson poked Y/n's body to wake her up for breakfast, while Charlotte had already left the dorm followed by the Slytherin troublemaker, Theseus Lestrange. Of course, the two of them had something like an affair, but an affair full of intrigue and aimless quarrellings. They were exhausted from it, but the endless self-masochism by arguing like enemies with each other was keeping them close from time to time.

However, Charlotte was a person that could be fooled easily. You could say that the strawberry blonde girl was controlled merely by her feelings that the young heir of the Lestrange family was causing her whole existence without even mind to have second thoughts.

Theseus was manipulative and the definition of toxicity was in his veins as much as the pure blood ran in there. She couldn't tell what the thing that got her closer to him was, but maybe the interest that he showed to her like no other man was enough to make a click in her heart. He was a true gentleman, with fluffy dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and the brightest smile she had ever seen in a person.

At the time, Theseus was apologizing to Charlotte for not being on his time on their previous date claiming that had some duties to take care of.

Either way, Charlotte Macmillan and Theseus Lestrange were not a good match.

At the other side of the castle, Y/n had woken up watching Grace's form taking care of her thick curly hair while talking about the recent gossip that she learned the same day.

Grace Johnson as her house chaser was popular among the other pupils and always was welcomed to every group to sit and keep company telling the most interesting stories. However, she was enough overloaded for her own good with burdens that she was hearing from other students. Y/n from the other side was listening to her forgetting completely that she had shifted only to meet Tom Riddle.

Her new reality felt almost too real.

She put on pride her Hufflepuff uniform ambling side by side with Grace Johnson to the Great Hall hoping to find at least two empty seats for them at their House table. As they entered, the strong smell of fresh eggs and pumpkin juice filled Y/n's nostrils beefing up her appetite. The room was full of chanters from students that were chatting with each other and the ear-piercing sound of glasses and plates.

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