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(tw: self harm)

ricky lays in bed mindlessly scrolling through instagram,
him and his ex-girlfriend jessica had recently got back in touch after they had broken-up on bad terms a few years ago. Things were going well between them so far and she had admitted to him that she still loved him, and unfortunetly ricky felt the same
Jessica really seemed like she was serious she was always messaging ricky and telling him she loved him, they had even recently met up after years of not seeing eachother, ricky was really happy she wanted to talk to him again
until recently
Jessica hadnt been messaging him as much anymore and he often wondered if he had done anything wrong.
when they had met up, jessica had come to rickys house, they listened to music together and then eventually they ended up sat cuddling together until jess had to leave, she had kissed ricky before she left.
he hasnt seen her in person since and they both never brought up the kiss again

he laid there staring at the blinding screen until he noticed jessica had put something on her story
she was with someone, a boy, and she was kissing him.

ricky feels his heart shatter and his eyes fill with tears, he had gotten so attached to her he had told her he really liked her
all those late night calls, all the "i love you's", the kiss
all of it meant nothing

he stares at the picture for a second longer before putting his phone down and staring up at the ceiling, tears rolling down his face.
all he could think about was how she lied to him and how she knew what she was doing

im never gonna be enough for her he thought to himself before sitting up, he wipes the tears out of his eyes and lets out a little sigh

ricky searches his desk for the packet of razor blades he kept on there, he hadnt hurt himself in a while but this had really pushed him over the edge
once he had found them he sat back on his bed, rolling his sleeve up and pressing the blade against his skin
he takes a deep breath before roughly dragging it across his arm
he winces at the pain but he cant stop
he keeps dragging the small sharp object across his arm until all he can see is red

ricky looks at his arm in shock and panic had start to set in, he had never done it this bad before.
he felt like he was gonna throw up

the red substance was dripping onto his bed covers now
he pulls his sleeve back down covering his mess before picking up his phone and nervously calling one of his close friends


"ricky?" he finally answered

"c-chris!..oh my god..fuck..thank you for a-answering.." ricky says his voice shaky

"rick whats going on? are you okay?"

"i-i feel so bad fucking bad.." he chokes out

"im coming over ricky, i'll be 5 minutes okay?"
ricky can hear moving on chris' end

"o-okay..thank y-you.."

those five minutes felt like hours to ricky until chris finally burst through the door
"oh god ricky.." he runs over to him

rickys a crying mess as chris pulls him into a hug
"doll whats going on? whats happened, talk to me" he says in a soft voice

"i-i really thought she l-liked me chris..i-i mean nothing to h-her..i-i loved her..i r-really fucking loved her..." he says chocking on his own crys

"oh darling..ricky im so sorry" chris says pulling the boy closer, he gently pets rickys head "shhh doll..calm down"
ricky slowly stops crying and relaxes a little in chris's arms
"thats it sweetheart, you're okay everythings gonna be okay"

its quiet for a few minutes until chris speaks again


the little emo looks up at him

"have you..hurt yourself?.." chris asks looking at the bloody mess on rickys bed

"i-i uh..i.." rick starts to panic again

he had only known chris a couple months but the two immediently clicked together, however ricky didnt want chris to find out that he hurts himself, he didnt want chris to leave him.


"i-im s-sorry!..please d-dont leave me.." he moves closer to chris, cuddling into his chest

"ricky love im not gonna leave you..did you clean them?" chris wraps his arms around ricky

he shakes his head and chris lets out a little sigh
"let me help darling..dont want them getting infected or anything.."
he hears ricky let out a little whimper before nodding a little

"thank you sweetheart.." he gently kisses rickys head before getting up and going to the bathroom

ricky sits there on his bed lost in thought again
did chris just kiss his head?

it was normal for chris to call him those names when he was upset but he had never kissed rickys head before, maybe he was overthinking this

chris comes back with a wet towel and sits across from him
he gently rolls his sleeve up wincing as the blood had dried onto his sleeve
it took him a minute to finally get his sleeve all the way up
chris looks at him slightly shocked before he starts slowly cleaning rickys arm

once he had finished helping ricky they both decided to watch a movie, chris knew bride of chucky was one of rickys favourite movies so he suggested they watched it together
"what are you doing?" chris asks sat on the floor

"making my bed comfier dumbass" the smaller boy replies, smiling as he puts all his clean fluffy blankets on the bed making some sort of comfy nest
chris rolls his eyes smiling at ricky

once ricky had finally finished crafting his amazing nest of pillows, blankets and all his plushies he turns the lights off but keeps his fairy lights on making the room glow purple

"you dont mind if i uh..take my pants off right?.." he asks his face going red

"rick this is your house do what you want" chris says chuckling

he giggles before pulling his pants off and sitting on the bed next to chris, they start the movie and ricky pulls one of the blankets over them both

"i love you ricky"

"y-you what?"

"i love you im not even saying it because of what happened ricky i genuinely really love you" chris says not looking at ricky

"y-you love me?.."

"of course i love you ricky, ive loved you ever since i met you darling"

ricky looks at him shocked
"y-you really love me?.."

"ricky.." chris speaks but is cut off by ricky

"i-i love you too chris..i love you so much.."

chris pulls ricky closer and looks at him, he puts his hands on either side of rickys face looking into his pretty blue eyes
"can i kiss you?"
rickys eyes widen a little but he nods
chris pulls him closer and gently presses their lips together
rickys a little shocked at first but he melts into the kiss as he wraps his arms around chris

chris pulls away from the kiss and rickys face is red
"you're so pretty ricky"

"d-does this mean t-that uh.." ricky stutters

"well, ricky my love will you be my boyfriend?"

ricky cant stop smiling he nods excitedly
"y-you're my boyfriend.." he says realising

chris chuckles "only yours doll"

"i-i love you chris.." he kisses chris' cheek

"i love you too my gorgeous boy"

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