Chapter 8

364 8 6

(...) Thinking
*...* Doing
"..." Talking
[...] Calling
{...} Whispering
<...> me

Suga's pov:

Tanaka and Kiyoko came up to me. I looked at them a little surprised when they started talking. "Hey can we go with you to see Yachi and Ennoshita?" Kiyoko asked. "No I am sorry they told me not to have anyone go over there, it because they don't what anyone else sick." "Oh um ok" Tanaka said. They moved and I walked to Ennoshita's house.

After I got there I knocked on the door and I see Yachi on the floor and Ennoshita the same...

I imeadiatly rush over to them and call 911. I checked there plus and Ennoshita had one but Yachis was faint, so my guess was that she couldn't breathe first.

I heard the sirens in the distance... I couldn't do anything but try everything I knew how to do. I tried CPR, and everything. I look in Ennoshita's mouth and saw a flower. (WHAT I THOUGHT THAT THIS WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN UNTIL LATER!!!!!) Took a full flower out of his mouth. He instantly sat up breathing. But when we look at Yachi I saw the vines start wrapping around her arms and legs...

The ambulance came and bothered and Ennoshita went with them..

At the hospital

They take Yachi right away and then take Ennoshita to make sure everything is ok with him..

<Btw: it's like 8 PM>

Ennoshita comes out first and we find out that he only has 1 week.. I was crying (t-t-that m-means Y-yachi h-has a c-couple of d-days) i thought I started to break down crying. Ennoshita comes up to me and trys to comfort me.

After we waited for awhile, it is currently 3 am. Yachi comes out fake smiling.. the Doctor saying she has 4 days. The vines are still wrapped around her the flowers won't start to grow until the last 2 days..

We go back to my house and Yachi goes to sleep Ennoshita was still wide awake. So I ask about their parents...

"Well... ummmm... so basically My parents are always traveling around and they are currently in America. Yachis mom is always working and she said that she understands but she is never there and by that I mean she travels to. So she is also in American with my parents. That's how we know each other she comes to my house and sleeps over because she has a fear of being alone. Her mom doesn't know..."

I just sat there and gave him a hug. I mean all of that and on top of the hanahaki I see Ennoshita still smiling.

"Why.. why.." I ask. "Why what Suga?" "Why does it have to be you two!! You guys are always so sweet and kind and nice!!!" I start crying. "And even when you are dying both of you... y-you are s-still s-smiling..." "Its fi-" "NO ITS NOT FINE SO DON'T FUCKING SAY ITS FINE!!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN HOW TF DID IT SPEED UP?!?!" I tell at him.

"Well... um. Please dont be mad but... umm..." "it's ok Enno just take you time and start at the beginning. I am sorry for yelling at you"

"Well when you left about 5 minutes later Yachi said the we should probably tell the couches because well they are the coaches. So we go and get changed and head to the gym and well... we.. see.. Tanaka and Kiyoko kissing... and after that I think Yachi broke down and i carried he back to my house and we didn't really talk for much of the day... about 5 minutes before you came Vines started to wrap around her arms and legs. I think its because she was thinking about it, and after I saw Yachi I started to think about it to and that's when you came in..."

"Well I guess you have to tell the team now..." I said. "Yep..." lets go to sleep we have about 1 hours to sleep." Ennoshita said "awww" I said pouting. And completely forgot that we had a training camp at Nakoma for 2 weeks...

Me: thank you for reading this I really appreciate it and I hope that you like it!!! And I think that this is going to have like 4 or 5 more chapters maybe more maybe less!! I honestly have know idea.

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