Part 3 - The travel

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"Park Seonghwa, take your filthy hands off me". She roared.
"Why're you so furious, baby?" He winked, holding her tight by the waist.
"I'm gonna call the police". She tried to escape his hold.
"Sure princess, but how?" He said and tightened his grip which would definitely leave marks.
"Leave, it hurts." She cried.
"Oops baby, I didn't mean to hurt you". He stated and loosened his grip and when she tried to run away, he instead grabbed her by the chin. She groaned in pain.
"You thought I'd be soft on you?" He shook his head in disappointment and took out a pair of scissors from his pocket. He held the pair against her long hair.
"No, park Seonghwa". She was pleading but no one could hear her. Or come to her help. Seonghwa was about to cut her hair when he heard someone calling him. He had never seen him before.


Soon they saw a light, but it was too bright to open the eyes. After a little while, the light died down and they opened their eyes. It took their sight a while to adjust to the normal brightness and when they were able to see again, They found themselves in the middle of a forest.

"Where are we?" Wooyoung whispered, not being able to speak properly. He didn't get an answer and looked at his right to make sure he wasn't alone. San was accompanying him but was too stunned to speak anything. They both stood there for a few minutes when Wooyoung spoke again.
"I think it's some kind of teleporting device." He looked at the gadget in his hand.
"We should go back Wooyoung." San was not having it.
"Now that we're here, we should explore more." Wooyoung suggested.
"Woo, are you out of your mind? I don't have the slightest idea what this place is, but it seems dangerous. I don't think we should stay here any longer. Try to see if we can go back." San scanned the whole place with wide eyes and hoped that Wooyoung would act upon his advice. The next moment, he felt someone grabbing his arm and dragging him along. "Wooyoung, stop. I don't wanna die young." He begged and kept making efforts to pry his arm but eventually gave up because Woo was clearly determined to examine the area.

After like twenty minutes, they heard some noises. San wanted to run away but Wooyoung was still holding his hand and kept pacing towards that source. As they arrived near what seemed to be the source of noises, they saw some people. Not any ordinary people, but tribal people who wore animal skin and had tools in their hands as if they were trying to safeguard the tribe.

"San, should we talk to them?" Wooyoung wasn't certain, so he asked San.
San, on the other hand, pulled Wooyoung and hid behind bushes.
"Are you stupid? Those guys can kill us with a single blow. Also, they don't seem too kind. I don't mind if you want to die, but I want to escape this place in one piece." He was shocked at how Wooyoung could be so dumb. "I guess we are in Amazon or somewhere else." Wooyoung whispered.
"I don't care if it's Amazon or another planet, just go back home." San was on the verge of crying.
"Ok OK, let me see what we can do?" Wooyoung took out the gadget and looked at the display. Something like 120344 was written on the screen.
"San, look at this. How am I supposed to remove these digits? There isn't clearly any backspace." Wooyoung scoffed and held the device to show San.
"Woo, I think it's some sort of time machine. These digits seem like a date. Look, 12th of March in 44 CE." San stated after pondering for a while.
"Do you mean we have time travelled?" Wooyoung was shocked and terrified.
"I guess so, but here it looks like it's kind of a rewind sign, isn't it?" San pointed at a button. "Yeah, it is". Wooyoung answered and without any thoughts pressed the button. They were soon back in their room where they were before travelling to another dimension.
"Thank god we're back". Wooyoung let out a sigh of relief.
"We shouldn't play with this again". San said and snatched that device from Wooyoung's hand, leaving behind a whiny Wooyoung.

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