Finally Dorothy saved us, she announced to everyone with a laugh,"Haha. It seems like you guys have finally stopped being depressed and noticed these twos' presence!" Then a tall girl with tanned skin asked with tears still streaming out of her eyes,"T-the girl is so similar to sis!!! Is this sis??? Or something?????" She said while she hugged me so tightly that I couldn't breath properly, she then continued while hugging me with even harder force,"WAAAAA!!!! Where is sis!!!!!" I struggled quite a bit with my grimoire in my hands, but it was still not strong enough to stop her from suffocating me. I spotted some more other girl with blue clock, ran towards us, all of them tried to pull away the girl who was killing me. the others magic knights just watched with their mouth wide opened at the- well event that was happening right now. Then just when I was going to faint from lack of breath, Yami came. Yami forced her apart with all his strength, and was finally able to make the tanned girl realised that she was hugging me way too tight, even my face turned blue. 

She immediately released me from her very powerful arms, with an apologetical face and an awkward smile. My blue face slowly returned to its original colour, as I continuously took deep breaths. I turned to Yami and thanked him,"thanks for helping me." Yami nodded with a horrified face on his face, he whispered towards me,"T-this lady clearly hates me... I-I know it from you-you know her ki." I patted his shoulders, answered in a murmur,"How would she hate you... This is only the first time you met her... right?" Yami nodded slowly. Our conversation was then interrupted by by a worried voice,"A-are you ok, small version of sis? I-I am so sorry!!" It was the tanned skin girl, she apologised in a tone filled with anxiety. I nodded, answered her with all the courage I had facing the girl who almost murdered me,"I-I am fine. Don't worry." She smiled brightly after that then introduced herself,"I am Sol Marron from the blue rose, led by sis!!! You can just call me Sol!" I shivered slightly at her quick mood change, I nodded then introduced myself and Yami as well, just in case he said something wrong ,"Ok, Sol. I am Charlotte Rose and he is Sukehiro Yami. Nice to meet you all." I proudly introduced us towards everyone in a confident tone, just as I always was.

Surprisingly, everyone except for the two captains we met stopped moving, as if they were petrified. Then they all suddenly shouted,"WHATTTTTTTT!!!!!!" We all covered our ears at the last moment that had protected our ears from being deaf forever. Nozel immediately stated before more shouts could be heard,"These two are kids that we had found that are strong and both of them really needed money. So we have decided to bring them back with us." The rest of them still seemed shocked, some blinked for infinity amount of times, some just popped their eyes out of their eyelids. I wondered what had shocked them so much. Well then, right now all I wish for is just a shower to be honest. Suddenly someone bashed into the meeting, it was none other than the magic emperor at this time, who was the captain of aqua deer at my time- Julius Novachrono. He came in with a smile, h was followed by a few more magic knights behind him- which was coincidentally the ones we met earlier today! Noelle, Charmy, Rill and Asta. I kind of feel happy about it, since, we actually get to know them more, Yami also noticed the people who saved our tummies came in, he beamed brightly as he could meet them once again and I think deeply we both like them as another person. 

They looked very serious as they went in, the wizard king at this timeline announced towards every person in the meeting room loud and clear,"Right now, we still haven't find the two captains, but we don't want anyone except for us who are in this very meeting room right now and the captains. if we let any citizens know about this, moreover if our enemies know about this they might use this chance to attack us, these two captains are rather strong and without them 3 of our squads won't be at their best of best. So this would be a secret between us." I saluted at his command, answered,"yes." Just as everyone else, except for Yami who had probably never even heard of what a salute is, so instead he- bowed? Nozel and Dorothy who were in front of us, blocking the wizard king's view from from having a notice of us, even though he might have already figured it out, well he was the wizard king. The he continued his announcement,"Please let all of our groups tell us about their findings." 

I wanna get home!!! CharlottexYamiWhere stories live. Discover now