Chapter 12 - Kelsie

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Andy rushed into the bathroom and helped me up, with no effort, like I weighed no more than a feather. She helped me to my bed.

I felt quite vulnerable being naked in front of Andy, but just as if she read my mind, she wrapped a towel around me. I noticed as she was wrapping the towel around me that she paused for a mere second, and stared at my body, she then continued to make sure the towel was covering everything. I studied her face, I wanted to know what she was thinking, but I couldn't tell. I don't know if she felt disgusted at seeing me naked and realising how malnourished I truly was or if she was just shocked by my condition. I felt Andy wasn't the type to judge, but again, I hardly knew her.

Dr. Su assessed my injuries, she was relieved to see I hadn't broken any bones, even though I got a stern lecture about refusing to have someone shower me. We settled on the agreement that I would have nurse Jones or Andy stand by while I showered until I was strong enough to do it myself.

After I was assessed by Dr. Su, I was finally able to properly dry myself and get dressed. Ben had spent the whole time watching and listening as Dr. Su made arrangements with Andy. He happily returned to his colouring in once Andy and Dr. Su left.

It was a strange feeling laying in bed fully conscious, not surrounded by flimsy canvas walls and a leaky roof. It was strange having a proper bed to call my own, in a proper room, with voice-activated technology and a freaking Television! A freaking television! I hadn't seen a TV since I was 4 years old, who'd have thought that it was 14 years ago since I'd seen or used a television!

I told the television to turn on, then asked it to stream the bunker's channel. I said the names of shows I enjoyed as a child, hoping someone had a recording, and uploaded it to the bunker's storage system.

I was lucky enough to find at least one show I enjoyed. I invited Ben to come and watch it with me. He was mesmerised by the coloured, moving images and how they spoke. His eyes were wide with awe, this was the first time that Ben had seen a television. I was also happy that he got the chance to enjoy the same show I loved as a child.

We watched episode after episode, Ben fell asleep resting his head on my lap. He enjoyed it when I ran my fingers through his strawberry-blonde hair, it calmed him and made him sleepy. I told the lights and television to turn off, I slowly moved Ben next to me so his head would be resting on my pillow, and I shuffled over to give him room. I don't think we could've shared the bed if Ben wasn't so small and my body was of a healthy weight. Thinking of how thin and malnourished I was made me think back to earlier today when Andy paused and stared at my body as she was covering me in a towel. I hoped the sight of my body didn't disgust her.

I woke to find Ben had got out of my bed and climbed into his. I must've been deep asleep, as I didn't even feel him leave. He was softly snoring away, I looked at the clock on the wall it was 4 am, and we didn't have to get up for another 4 hours yet. I yawned and turned over, and the next thing I knew the alarm's shrill chime filled the room. Signalling that it was time to get up and have breakfast. I pulled on a dress, gave my hair a run-through with a brush, made sure Ben was presentable, and shuffled my way to the dining room using my walker while Ben walked slowly beside me.

The dining room was alive with chatter as I found us a spot. Ben was the first to go to the buffet and choose his breakfast, when he returned I went after.

We arrived back to our room with about 10 minutes left to go before the people who looked after Ben arrived.

Once Ben was gone, I sighed as I sat on my bed and flicked through the exercise instructions that Dr. Su had given me. Each exercise worked different muscles, I needed to be healthy and fit again, so I could look after Ben.

I was so tired after I completed the exercises that I fell asleep. I was so deep in sleep I didn't hear the announcement that lunch was being served. It was my stomach that woke me, I was so hungry I felt sick, but I missed out on lunch. I once again made the slow trip to the dining hall, it was slower than usual as my legs felt tired and heavy, and my arms felt like jelly, due to my exercises. Luckily there was some fruit and snacks on display, so I took some back to my room.

Late that afternoon, Ben returned to me. He threw his arms around me, and happily chattered away, telling me all the things he did in daycare. I managed to convince him to have a shower, I was so grateful that he was independent and washed, I had to ask him if he had cleaned certain areas, and had an argument with him about washing his hair. He finally conceded defeat when I told him that Nurse Jones might have to wash it when she comes to shower me. He didn't want a stranger to see him naked and touch his hair, so he washed his hair just as he should.

Nurse Jones arrived at our unit at about 7 pm. She helped me as much as I let her, but I requested she waits outside the ensuite while I showered. She helped me dry my legs, and back. Then helped me to my bed, I couldn't wait until my strength returned, at least I would regain independence and not have a stranger see me naked anymore.

At least tomorrow night Andy would be supervising me. I felt more comfortable with Andy than anybody else. After all, she hardly left my bedside when I was in a coma, She had always been there when I needed her, she supported me and looked after Ben when I couldn't, and for this, I was ever so grateful for her, and what she had done for me. However, the question remained... Why? Why did she decide to save Ben and me, when it was in her best interests to let us die? We meant nothing to her, we were strangers that encroached on her territory and ended up having to use up much-needed medical supplies, take up a bed in the sick bay, and eat their food, while not contributing to the community.

I felt awful and useless. The faster I regained strength meant the faster I would be able to contribute to the community and start repaying the debt I owed Andy and her fellow soldiers.

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