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Thinking it over, Levi wasn't entirely sure whether or not he liked Eren.

Looking at him last night, Levi felt something in his stomach he hadn't felt before. He didn't know how to describe it but he didn't like it.

He only said he liked Eren to clear the tension in the room, but he was beginning to think he actually did. The thought made him cringe as he felt like he was in middle school again.

"Good morning, Mr. Ackerman." Eren said tiredly while entering the room. His voice was raspy and there were purple bags under his eyes.

"Morning." Levi said, setting down the phone. He examined the young boy before making a judgmental expression. "You look like shit."

"Thank you." Eren sarcastically smiled and set Levi's coffee on his desk. Levi picked it up and took a drink before setting it down when his phone rang.

"Quoi, je suis au travail." (What, I'm at work.) Levi sighed into the receiver. Eren jumped at the sudden language change but it kind of turned him on. The person on the other line sounded angry when responding. "Ok, désolé maman." (Okay, sorry mother.)

They talked for only a few minutes before Levi hung up the phone. Eren couldn't understand anything the entire conversation except 'Merci'.

Eren left the room before Levi could complain about him doing nothing. He went to his desk and sat there, waiting for something to do. He had prepared all of Levi's documents yesterday and organized any files that needed it, but usually there was still more stuff to be done. Today was one of the rare occasions he had free time.

"Hey, Eren." Hange grinned, stepping out of the elevator. "Is Levi in there?"

"Um yes. Do you need something?" He asked, tilting his head slightly.

"I just need to talk to him about something, that's all." She replied, standing in front of Levi's office door. "Is it alright if I go in?"

"It should be..." Eren said in thought. "Please let him know it was my fault if he gets angry with you."

"That's alright. Thank you!"

She entered the room and closed the door behind her. "Leeevi!"

"What, Hange?" Levi said, signing the last paper in the stack. He pulled out a few envelopes from his drawer and set them on top of his desk.

"Well, two things." She nodded, holding up two fingers. "First thing, you have lunch with the guy from Daytona tomorrow."

"I know, I have Eren to remind me, Hange. He's my secretary, not you." Levi said, folding one of the signed papers.

"Okay, okay." Hange said, putting her hands in the hair. "Secondly, how long have you been fucking your secretary?"

Levi stopped folding the papers and looked up at Hange. "I beg your pardon?"

"You know, it's actually quite obvious." She shrugged, sitting down in one of the chairs in front of Levi's desk.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He shrugged, putting a paper in an envelope. Hange rolled her eyes.

"Oh please, Levi, spare me the lies." She folded her hands and rested her elbows on Levi's desk.

"I'm not lying, you're just stuck in some stupid book you read becoming a reality." Levi scoffed.

"Maybe." She nodded. "Because what else would you and Eren being doing here so late alone other than work?"

"Exactly." Levi raised his eyebrows and stuck another paper in an envelope.

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