Chap 8

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Sarah Pov's

"Matt... Am I going to be alright?", I asked him but my eyes are wondering outside. It's been 2 hours and they said it took 8 hours to arrive the place.
"Yes, love. You are safe with me", he holds my hand while driving.
"Can I turn on music?", I look at him and he handed me his phone.
"Use mine. Play anything you love to hear", he patted my head and I nodded.

My head starting to feel dizzy again, so I close my eyes and lay my head on the seat after I play Chase Atlantic playlist. After a while, I slowly open my eyes and I feel something cold at my forehead. 

"Love, you alright? You keep sweating after you fell asleep and you having a high fever after I checked your body temperature", he leaned down and change my cooling patches.

"I'm having a bad dream but I can't remember it, where are we?", I look around the area.
"We're at Ian aunt house, it's been 4 hours driving and we need to take a rest. Also you are sick, and I need you to feel comfortable during the trip. Come on, let's get inside", he walk towards the other side and open the door.
I slowly get out but almost fell after a few steps I walk.
"I can walk, Matt", I said to him when he suddenly carries me bridely and went inside the house.
"You almost fell just now. Now shut up and just rest", said himself.
I want to say something, but he gives me the look that make me instantly shut my mouth.

Matt Pov's

I carry her inside while she lay her head comfortably on my chest.
"Bro, you could use the guest room down the hallway", Ian gestured the way and I nodded.
"NO! I don't want to be alone!", Sarah suddenly wakes up and hold me tighter. 
"Love, you need to rest-", she cut me off... again.
"I know but I don't want to be alone at room, j-just take me with you...", she's going to cry. Oh my...
"Okay, okay. I take you with me but promise me you are going to take a rest, alright love?", I look deep into her eyes, and she instantly nod.

Brad, Alex, Louis and Ian watch us in awe, but I just give them my eye roll and that's make them laugh even louder.  I lay her down on the couch and sit beside her, I pulled her up so she can lay her head on my lap. I watch her eyes slowly close.
"Sleep, love", I play her hair until she fell asleep.

"Let's watch some movie's", said Ian and took a seat at the bean bag and the rest laying on the floor.
"Sure, I go take some food in the kitchen", Louis went to the kitchen with Brad.

After watching some movie's, all of us take a nap before continuing our trip. Hopefully she gets better after waking up.

Sarah Pov's

It's 3 o'clock in the evening and I just woke up. I saw all of them are sleeping soundly. I need some water, but Matt hand didn't want to let go of my waist. I slowly take his hand and replace it with a pillow. I walk slowly to the kitchen and pour a glass of water. All of sudden, the headache come rushing like a flood and I slipped the glass from my hand. My vision become blurry, and my leg felt weak, I feel a pair of hand catch me before I could completely faint. I look up to see it's Matt and beside him is Ian watching me worriedly.

"I thought you went missing, love. What are you doing in here?", Matt asked me worriedly and pick me up.
"I... I just drink some water and all of sudden I felt really dizzy", I clutched his shirt tightly that I'm afraid I'm going to fell again.
"Love, you could just wake me up", he said but I didn't answer.

"Let me clean this up first and we could leave", said Ian and Matt nodded.
"Sis, please just listen to Matt and if you need anything, just ask us, alright?", said Ian again. I smile and nod as understand.

"Alex, Ian, Brad, wake up. It's time to go", Matt uses his leg to wake them up.
"What time it is?", asked Louis.
"It's 2 in the evening, brothers", I said and both of them open their eyes.
"Thank you, sis. Have you got any better?", Alex stands up and patted my head.
I shake my head no and hide my faces into Matt chest.

"She went to drink some water but suddenly feel dizzy and almost faint. She accidently broke the glass, but it's alright, it's not a big deal. Don't worry too much yea sis", Ian walking inside the living room and pat my head.

What's up with the habit from them... They like to pat my head every time and everywhere.

"Let's go guys", Matt walks outside with him still carrying me until we reached his car.

Let's begin another 4 hours long trip guys.

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