5- "Stabbed."

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Me and Mindy lean on the front of her car.

"I can't believe it." Mindy mutters. "Sure, he was a stupid ass, but he was always prepared for this shit!"

"Even though he did have a crush on Tara, he was my friend—I mean for years!" I shake my head. Both of us referring to Wes. Mindy begins calling Chad, a sliver call pulls up. I walk over to it recognizing who.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Sam asks getting out of the car.

"We followed the sirens." Sam looks behind me seeing Mindy.

"Me too." She replies, my dad comes out of the yellow caution tape put up. "Dewey—! What happened?" Sams runs up to my dad.

"Wes and deputy Judy were killed, they were stabbed." My dad sighs out.

"What..?" Sams breath hitches.

"Just got off the phone with Chad, he said he's gonna head over here." Mindy walks over to us. Sam looks around at the police officers. "This is fucking crazy, Wes was literally here 20 minutes ago." Sam ignores Mindy, tilting her head at a police officer confused.

Sam runs up to him. "Hey, if you're not at the hospital who's with my sister?" Sam asks him.

"I don't know, I just knew deputy Judy was murdered, so I came over here." He replies. My dad, Sam, Mindy, and I all stare at each other the realization hitting us.

"Shit!" My dad yells.

"Get in the car—!" Sam shouts at us. All four of us running into her Honda. She reverses out slamming on the gas.

"Hurry up—! Go!" I yell out her from the backseat. Sam gets a call making the car go silent.

"It's him." She says, then picks up. After a moment Sam speaks into the phone, "Please don't hurt her!" My heart beats out of my chest from her words.

"We'll get there in time—trust me." Mindy tries reassuring me putting her hand onto my shoulder.

"Please! I'll do anything! Leave them alone!" Sam goes on. My dad glancing between me and Mindy, a concerned look on his face.

"This isn't gonna end good." My dad takes a smaller gun than the one that was on his waist out from his ankle, seeing a strap that was on it. He hands it to me. "Just incase." I look at Mindy. She shrugs in response, but I take the gun. We pull up to the hospital, all of us running into the elevator. Mindy begins calling the police with her phone, my dad holding out our guns ready to shoot.

"Or maybe I was just stalling." Sam replies, the elevator doors open, making shots go off. I see Tara on the ground laid flat out, her wheel chair a few feet farther.

"Mindy help me!" I shout at the girl, she rushes to my side, helping me get Tara into the wheelchair. While Sam gets Richie, my dad shooting at Ghost-face. Ghost-face falls into a shelves case.

"C'mon! Lets go!" Sam shouts at all of us. We get into the elevator my dad rushing in. He pauses for a second.

"You gotta shoot them in the head." He speaks up. Himself now stepping out of the elevator.

"What—?" Sam asks confused.

"You gotta shoot them in the head, or they'll come back."

"No—dad no!" I try pulling him back in.

"Dewey, who gives a fuck?!" Sam yells.

"I do." The elevator doors shut. I bang on the walls trying to get them to reopen. Gun shots go off making all of us flinch.

"He's a trained cop. He'll be fine." Mindy whispers to me.

"This is not a criminal Mindy! Its fucking ghost-face!" I yell angry, the elevator doors open, and I try running up the stairs.

"Y/n—no!" Mindy and Sam hold me back. We see cops flood in, running up. I stop.


A bodybag rolls out of the hospital. I run over, theres a little name tag on it.

"Y/n." Sam grabs me by the shoulder, I shrug it off looking at it. All I see is 'Riley' on it. A police officer steps in front of me.

"Ma'am you can't be here." He says sternly.

"Thats my fucking dad asshole!" Tears welling up in my eyes, I push him out of the way.

"Y/n!" Mindy pulls me back.

"Hey watch it!" He yells.

"Fuck you, man! Fuck you!" I shove him again.

"Y/n—stop!" Mindy pulls me back again. Sam rushing over.

"Im so sorry, Y/n." She mutters to me.

"Fuck you, Sam! Fuck you! If you wouldn't have asked for his help this would've never happened! He didn't want to be apart of this, again, but yet you dragged him back!" I push her.

"Y/n—Im sorry, I didn't mean for any of this happen." Tears in her eyes.

"Fuck you." I leave walking away.

"Y/n—where are you going?" Tara asks, coming out of the ambulance.

"I don't know—" I put my hands over my face.

"Y/n?" A voice approaches me, I take my hands off of my face. Looking over seeing,

"Gale?" My eyebrows furrow. Gale wasn't my biological mom, but she treated me like I was her biological kid the times her and my father were together. I stand up giving her a small hug.

"Where's Dewey?" She asks confused looking around for him. I don't answer her. She looks ahead seeing the bodybag. "No—" She shakes her head. Me staying silent. A few tears flow onto her face looking at the bag.


My blickyyy on the dressaaaa

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