LNH Part 5 - Scary Movies

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I feel like Akito isn't actually scared of scary movies and I know in the event he freaked out but I feel like he watched them all the time and so then he just knows all the endings and stuff like that so he will make you watch them with him just so if you get scared of the movie then he will be right there for you so that you can cling onto him, and if your somebody who likes scary movies then he will just make you cuddle with him lol, but going back to the basically jumping on him, he especially loves it when you do it around his friends because then he can rub it in there face that he has somebody and they don't lol. But fr though, he thinks is super cute and he loves when you get super clingy and he loves comforting you, so he really doesn't mind all that much! (He might say he dose but he really feels differently<3)

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