Your best friend-Sirius Black x Remus! Little sister x Reader (P1)

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Sirius kneeled down to pick up his wand, and as he lifted his arm once again to aim a spell, Y/N panicked. "Petrificus totalus!" She called out and winced before looking back at Sirius laid out stiff on the floor. Y/N stood there in shock at the spell she had just cast. She didn't think it would work, as it was the first ever time it seemed to had worked when she had cast it. Looking around in worry, students left the hall muttering and whispering under their breaths leaving the two there. Y/N fell to the floor as her chest tightened and a shooting pain shot to her head.

Waking up in the hospital wing, Y/N looked around but there was no sight of Sirius, only the cards and gift left for the boy who was seen as the god of the school. Looking at her bedside cabinet, all Y/N saw were a couple of cards from friends and family, and a jug of water with an empty cup beside it. Her eyes fluttered shut as she began to drift back off to sleep, hoping there would be some more when she woke back up.

"You know Y/N, I've only spent 8 gallons in wizard money on a couple cigarettes and snacks since getting here." Y/N hears the all too familiar voice of the hufflepuff as she laid with her eyes shut listening to what he was saying. After a while, her eyes opened slowly as she adjusted to the bright daylight shining through the windows in the hospital wing. "Oh Y/N! I'm so glad you're awake. Here!" He held 3 £10 notes connected vertically. "I need you to go get me some more cigarettes or give me some of yours."
"Mate, are you kidding me right now? I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."
"You shouldn't have duelled Mr Black. Self inflicted I'd say." He stated with a self absorbed smirk before walking out, leaving the money.

Y/N and Sirius had always had this hatred against each other and to Y/N it was always a joke, but when she asked him to be her Yule ball date last year, he went ballistic and began showing genuine hatred towards her with no explanation. That was all it was: reaction with no explanation. But Sirius felt like he didn't owe anyone anything, after all he was the 'god' of the school.

Why did she still feel this love and care towards someone who despised her so much?

Deep in thought in the common room alone, she heard the door open and lily entered.
"Hey Y/N, you okay? You look like... you don't know what to think."
"I don't."
"Pray tell. Sirius I assume?" She smiled and sat beside Y/N who nodded subtly.
"I don't understand why. I mean, Sirius Black. He's such an ass, a narcissistic ass who thinks people owe him the world. He's vile but I can't help but feel some care and... and..."

Lily crossed her legs on the red couch and rested her head on her hand, looking at Y/N with a sympathetic look.
"I get it. Totally. I'm in the exact same position with James. They're both as bad as each other but still seem to have this persona about them that's so loveable and that seem like you can care for them... change them even. But god loves a trier, but sometimes you have to be the quitter."
"Merlin, Lily. That's deep. Who said that?"
"...I think I did." The two of them laughed and lily hit Y/N's arm lightly, laughing.

The next and final day of breakfast before the holidays, Sirius hadn't turned up but Remus had squeezed between lily and Y/N. "I need to speak to you." He said and Y/N nodded in concern. "I need you to stay away from Sirius. He's gonna break your heart and you're too young for all this love malarkey. I don't wanna see you lose yourself over it."
That was the last thing Remus said to Y/N before everyone had left for the holidays and this played on Y/N's mind. The whole. bloody. way. home.

'Dear Sirius,
I want to start off by apologising for locking your body, and for being such a nuisance and bugging you what felt like all the time even though it was only a few times. I really thought you'd be willing to help me with some chains I found last summer in my house that had appeared out of nowhere, but apparently not. So again, I apologise. I hope your holiday is going better than mine, it seems I can't get a break at the minute with the change in weather and certain nights are a bit too much for us at home right now. I think we're managing though. But please, how was your holiday? I hope to get a reply soon.
Y/N x'

Random x Reader One-ShotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora