oooops i wrote another toxic couple

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so these are my own OCs and i wrote this like while i was waiting at a drive through so it's not top tier but yeahhhhh

tw: argument/abuse/adultery slayyy


"How did we end up like this?"

The whisper from Aella's lips catches Letum off-guard. He glances at the feet of space between them, responding coldly.

"End up like what?"

"Like this," She replied, gesturing around them, "What happened to you, Letum? What happened to the man I fell in love with?"

Letum snapped back, his voice still edged with anger. "That's rich, coming from you. Little miss perfect became little miss desperate. Leading guys on, just for a good time.."

"Ridiculous." He spat.

"Maybe," Aella raised her voice, "I wouldn't go around with other guys if you actually cared about what I need."

Letum laughed patronizingly, a booming noise that echoed through the empty walls of their apartment. The apartment they'd once shared, raised their daughter in, made love in. It's ironic, what it's become now.

"Hypocrisy has always been one of your flaws, huh, babe? I don't need you in my life anymore. I can have any girl in the world; you're just a placeholder for the next chick."

Aella glanced around her, and in a fit of rage, grabbed the lamp off of the end table beside her and threw it at Letum. He dodged, and it crashed against the wall past his shoulder with the shattering of glass.

"Take it back," She growled.


They stood silently for moments after, tension filling their lungs and suffocating them with every breath. At last, Aella grabbed the half-zipped up suitcase she'd packed during their earlier argument, and made her way to the door.

Letum remained, watching stoically as Aella stormed out, mumbling curses at him as she left. He knew she'd be back again next week. The cycle would rinse and repeat, over and over. In truth, he didn't want to lose her; he didn't want to end this game of cat and mouse they're constantly playing. However, he'd never admit it aloud.

Maybe, just maybe, this was the last straw for Aella. Maybe the single heartstring binding their broken marriage had finally snapped— Maybe they'd move on, remember how awful they are for each other, acknowledge the toxicity and make the rest of their immortal lives less hellish than they already are..


Probably not.

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