"Men," Cat grumbles to herself. "You think you know a guy, and then he lets Mr. Hyde out to play!"

A second later the door slams open and a disgruntled Cat Grant storms through. Her face is red, only in the way it is after an argument with Lois. "If you two are done measuring dicks, I have an interview to finish," she quips.

"Right, Ms. Lane . . . I mean Grant," Bruce stumbles over his words deliberately. Okay, now you're going a bit overboard. There needs to be a happy medium. I am not that dorky. Says every dork ever.

Cat does not dignify that with a response, she drags Bruce out of the storage room by the arm, and shoots me an apologetic smile, nearly melting under my gaze. It's amazing what a cape and tight-fitting outfit would do. I float an easy distance at her side. "He's not always this . . ." she searches for the right word. "Obsessive," she decides. "I don't know what's gotten into Clark, it's almost as if he's a completely different person," she falls short, eyebrows tweaking together in concentration, and then she narrows her eyes at me. "The important thing is you're still here, I thought he scared you off," she says after a much too long pause.

"I don't scare easily Ms. Grant," I say, slapping on my Superman smile that works wonders on the ladies, and hopefully pushes any notion of Clark Kent and Superman being one and the same out of her pretty, blonde head. My grin has the desired effect, Cat looks down at her feet, face crimson.

The trek back to the gallows is way too short for my liking. It's not long before I'm back under the spotlight, billions of eyes digging into my side. At least this time the cheers are not so deafening. If I focus on Lois's breathing, the noise is almost manageable. Cat raises a practiced hand and the crowd falls silent instantly.

"I'm so glad you're able to be with us today, Superman," she smiles brightly. There's a roar of approval from the audience.

"It's my honor," I respond dutifully.

"Inquiring minds want to know," she winks at the girl holding the Superman/Wonder Woman sign in the middle row. "Is your special someone a certain Demigoddess perhaps," she suggests, not too subtly.

I laugh outright. Of course, she'll think two of the most powerful beings in the Justice League would be an item. The entire world has been shipping me with Wonder Woman since the first day I flew onto the scene."Diana is a lovely woman for sure," I relent. She is a literal goddess walking on Earth; being in her presence can sometimes be overwhelming. "But she's more like an overprotective big sis." Besides, I think Batman is more her type.

"I think you just shattered some hearts, mine included," she places a hand over her heart and lets out a sad sigh. "I was really hoping for some news of Super-Wonder babies." The people roar in agreement and the girl holding a Superman/Wonder Woman Forever sign moans despairingly.

"Sorry, to disappoint," I say, but there is only one woman for me. My gaze subconsciously drifts to the front row and I lock eyes with Lois, who wears an identical stupid grin to my own, but it looks better on her. Her lips are as red as blood on fallen snow and as deadly as Red Kryptonite. One touch from her and my inhibitions evaporate like smoke. If I did not have this damn interview, I would already have her. She unzips her red leather jacket and flaunts her black and red Superman blouse beneath, which of course has more glitter than Jessica Rabbit's dress. She sticks out her chest boldly. I get the message: 'I'm the only glitter Queen in your life, don't you forget it.'

Cat smiles mischievously. "Awe don't be shy Supes," she chides. My face sours at the old nickname Flash started up; it makes me sound like a yummy can of soup. I was hoping Cat would drop the subject of Superman's love life.

"You don't carry yourself like a loner," she says acutely. "You've got that lovesick grin on your face, and can't seem to stop sighing," she says with a knowing twinkle in her eyes. I didn't realize how transparent I am. "Don't keep us in suspense, who is this mystery woman that has stolen The Man of Steel's heart?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2023 ⏰

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