preforming with the groups.

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requested by: Sakura_Clouds  <3

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requested by: Sakura_Clouds <3.

pjsk x gn! reader


concept: your in thier group and your preforming with them <3.



-you were childhood friends with them! it was all going good, but when Saki got her illness, it became a bit harder to perform. none of the less, you and leo/need always visited her, gave her gifts, talked about the next performance, etc.

-in the sekai, Rin had always loved you. They alwyas ask if they can decorate her hair with bows and style your hair. in which, you always say yes <3. Meiko likes to tease Rin for doing this, but you dont mind.

-first joining the group was tempting, yea sure you were friends with them. You trusted them and they trusted you. But you didn't like performing in front of back. But Ichika and said that you could be in the back if you wanted.

-after this, you started getting less stage fright and having more fun, you all gave each other feedback and how could they make it better next time. It's always better with you.

-youve always been working hard for the group, why? because when Saki got sick, you wanted to be brave and strong for her. so, you always worked extra hard. (dw, shiho made you take breaks)

-leo/need will always love you, even if you mess up the song, they still had a great performance with you <3.

-leo/need will always love you, even if you mess up the song, they still had a great performance with you <3

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