Chapter One

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The light morning breeze hit the grass, making it sway back and forth. A young tom trotted through GladeClan territory, he looked a bit battered but healthy nonetheless. He continued until an odd cat in the not so far distance caught his eye. He crouched down and awaited them to get closer, a fluffy shecat coming his way. She soon got close enough and the otm leapt out, pushing both of them onto the ground. He grumbled, not expecting her to be so hard to take down. The shecat pushed him off with ease, jumping to her paws. He got to his paws as well, grinning. She instead stood straight, giving him a goofy smile. 'You're brave to do that' She chuckled. The tom relaxed, tilting his head. "Wh- what do you mean?" She took a deep breath, 'Not any cat would just attack another random cat like that, but you must know that's very dangerous.' He sat down, "I know it is.." The shecat blinked, 'Well it's wrong, you can't just be doing that, you could get seriously hurt, and it seems like you aren't in a clan so you'd be screwed' He nodded, "...Yeah, and?" The shecat sighed, 'You're missing the point kid, either way, you're pretty strong, not any cat could just take down good ol' HollyStar!' She flicked her tail, keeping her goofy smile. The tom stood again, "I need to go-" She shook her head, 'No don't leave, I wanted to ask you something.' He sighed and stopped as he turned back around to face her, "Yes?" He raised an eyebrow. 'Would you like to join GladeClan?' He blinked and thought for a moment, "...Sure." She nodded, starting to lead him to the camp. 'Cmon then, let's get you a proper name!' He followed, not expecting what might happen next.

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