Chapter Two

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The two entered camp, some cats clearing the way and some just staring in confusion at the tom. He glared at some back, one specific tom returning the glare as he passed. HollyStar hopped onto a fallen down log, letting the tom come up with her. 'May all cats heed my call and gather for a clan meeting!' She gave the tom a quick glance as he sat down, wrapping his tail around his paws. Some cats gathered including the tom who glared back at him earlier, the two met eyes again and just stared. 'We have a new apprentice joining us today, his name shall be WildPaw. He will be under my mentorship, please welcome this tom to Gladeclan' She kept standing, nudging the tom. He kept his eyes locked on the tom on the ground, who then stood up. 'I've seen this tom before, he's no good HollyStar!' He sounded so annoying, a high pitched child voice despite his warrior size. HollyStar frowned, 'He.. I trust this tom can change from his ways as a rogue as long as someone trains him enough, that's why I'm going to train him, ShrewNose..' Both of the toms unsheathed their claws. 'I don't trust him one bit, can he even fight properly?' ShrewNose stared up at the tom, waiting for him to answer. WildPaw blinked, tensing up. "I can assure you I can fight" ShrewNose lashed his tail from side to side, 'Prove. It.'

HollyStar gave WildPaw an unsure look, a challenge was a challenge when it comes to the clans accepting new cats, but could WildPaw take him on? WildPaw took a moment and got down onto the ground with ShrewNose, standing still not too far away from him. ShrewNose made the first move, going to pin the tom down. Cats watched, more gathered as they were interested in the fight. WildPaw didn't seem worried, and just kicked up at ShrewNose. The tom grumbled, swiping at WildPaws head. WildPaw reacted quickly, grabbing some dirt from beside him and tossing it into ShrewNose's eyes. The tom let out a hiss, stepping back as he covered them. WildPaw rolled onto his paws, spinning around and ramming into ShrewNose's chest, pushing the tom back. A smile grew on HollyStars face, as the apprentice looked up at her with a stern face. The tom sighed and HollyStar hopped down from the log. 'Want a tour?' WildPaw nodded, HollyStar taking him on a brief tour around the camp and their territory.

They went back to camp, where the sun had finally started setting. 'You know your way to the apprentice den?' HollyStar asked the tom. WildPaw nodded and walked away. HollyStar sighed and went to her den for some rest.

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