[07]: Masquerade Ball

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2010 Mystic Falls, Virginia

Skyler Salvatore was walking down the stairs to the parlor room of her home. Stefan had just come and woke her up. He said that Caroline was here and she had important information to share. "This better be good since you woke me up," Skyler said.

"Here," Damon said as he handed her a glass of bourbon, but he had mixed some blood in it because he knew that was his sister's favorite. She noticed that Caroline was shaking. She took down the drink in one gulp and then she looked at Damon and nodded, appreciating that he had mixed some blood in it.

"I'm still shaking," Caroline said.

"What happened?" The Salvatore twins asked at the same time.

"Go ahead, tell them. You're going to love this," Damon said.

"I saw Katherine today," Caroline said.

"Where?" Skyler asked.

"At The Grill... I just stopped to gawk and kinda stalk Matt," She started her story, but it was all about Matt and how he wasn't speaking to her and she started stumbling over her words. Skyler held her hand up to stop her.

"Save the teenage drama, Caroline. We don't actually care, no offense. What happened?" Skyler asked. She nodded her head and explained that while she was in the bathroom, Katherine ambushed her, and said she wanted Caroline to deliver a message to Skyler, Damon, and Stefan.

"What was the message?" Stefan asked.

"She wants the moonstone, or she's going to rip this town apart until it rains blood," Caroline said. Skyler rolled her eyes, that was a bit melodramatic, even for Katherine.

"Tell them the rest of it," Damon said.

"Tonight... at the masquerade ball," Caroline said and Stefan sighed.

"She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard," Stefan said. Skyler's head quickly snapped up, and then she looked at Damon.

"Are you serious? You killed Mason? You fucking idiot!" Skyler snapped.

"That's beside the point. Katherine is running scared. What she did to Jenna... well tried to do was desperate. She's out of tricks," Damon said.

"We can't underestimate her. We have to play smarter than her," Stefan said. Skyler rolled her eyes.

"Can't I just kill her already?" Skyler asked.

"Or we can just give her the moonstone and she'll leave," Caroline said.

"No," Skyler immediately responded.

"What?" Caroline asked.

"No. Under no circumstances does she get the moonstone. Katherine doesn't deserve to get what she wants. The only thing that bitch deserves is death," Skyler snapped. Caroline frowned and tried to reach out for her friend, but Skyler shook her head and took a step away.

"As Skyler said, Katherine isn't getting anything. I've had it. I'm going to the masquerade ball and I'm going to kill her. Tonight," Damon snapped.

"You're not going to kill her," Stefan said.

"Now is not the time for your goody-goody-two-shoes attitude," Damon said.

"You're not going to kill her," Stefan repeated.

"Oh, really? Why?" Damon asked.

"Because I am," Stefan said. Skyler started laughing as she shook her head. She was laughing so hard to the point that everyone was looking at her in concern. "Skyler?" Stefan asked.

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