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Sorry, this took so long yall. I was taking a drivers ed class and by the time it was done I was way too tired to write. for that same reason this chap might be a bit shorter.

"Brittany, I'm afraid it's time for a little tough love," Sue said as Brittany took a seat in front of her coach in her office. "I hold in my hand the most recent algebra test of one Becky Jackson. Our plucky little ewok waddled her way to a respectable C-plus." Sue said as she turned the paper to face Brittany. "Now, your performance, very same exam, unearthed the hitherto undiscovered grade," She turned the page to Brittany, "F-minus. You answered every question with 'see other side' where you composed an elaborate crayon-scape entitled 'Happyville. The town where math was never invented.'" Brittany happily pointed to the two girls in her drawing, "Yeah, that's me, and that's Santana, and that's Kurt and Rachel in heaven. And look that's you."

Sue set the test down with a sigh, "Brittany you're a terrible role model for the Cheerios! Last year, I was lost in a haze of pregnancy hormones, and I allowed your record-breaking GPA to slide. The cheerios grade point average has dropped three full points. My girls no longer see academic achievement as a worthy goal, and yesterday I caught one of them trying to marry a squirrel." Brittany nodded, "That's 'cause I believe in marriage equality for all land mammals." Coach Sylvester sighed, "Brittany you're off the cheerios. I'm giving the top spot to Kitty. I'm afraid you're gonna have to lose the high pony." "Tough love feels a lot like mean."


"And with that, I said goodbye, and swooped out the doorway, my voice-over continuing down the hallway." Y/n stopped before Miss Pillbury's office confused as Brittany walked past him. "Ok, what was that?" He overheard Mr Schuester ask Emma. Shit, he thought, guess there's no avoiding this. "You know, everything's been taken away from her. She doesn't anything to hold onto. Clearly, she's lost her identity." Y/n walked into the doorway, "Oh, Y/n come sit." She gestured for him to enter the room and he did, hesitantly taking a seat, "Am I interrupting?" He asked but Emma shook her head and returned her attention to Will. "We need to bring Brittany back." Mr Schuester looked at Emma as if she had handed him the solution on a silver platter.

As he left Miss Pillsbury put her attention on Y/n. "So, you ready to begin?" She asked, straightening out her desk. Y/n shrugged, "I still don't get the point of this, I'm fine." Emma took a deep breath, "Well, your foster parents think it would be best for you to continue see me for some normality in case if something happens and you aren't fine." Y/n groaned and leaned into the plush chair, "It's not like I moved halfway across the country, I moved to a different neighborhood." Emma sighed at his apprehensiveness. "Well, your mom got arrested right when you started high school, that's gotta be hard to deal with." Y/n grumbled, "It's been a year, I've made peace with it." Miss Pillsbury nodded, "That may be true, but now your with a foster family. Staying with new people, that's got to be hard." Y/n rolled his eyes, "My foster parents are my uncle and aunt who lived down the street since I was six, it's not that hard to adapt to."

The ginger nodded, trying to think of something to talk about for the next five minutes. Since the arrest, his aunt had been adamant about him visiting the school guidance counselor and since she discovered him skipping she would call Emma at the end of the day to make sure he went. Can't really get out of it anymore when your aunt is on your tail every day. "You know what? We don't have to talk. If you want you can just sit here until the timer goes off." She said as she twisted the egg timer and set it on her desk.


"Great news, guys." Mr Schuester said as he entered the choir room. "Principal Figgins has asked us to perform at the annual back-to-school pep rally this week." The group perked up slightly. "Now I understand our nationals street cred has dropped a little bit since school started, but this is our chance to really wow them and get it back." Joe shrugged, "Now what are we going to perform?" William smiled, "Good question. We're a family in here, and when one of our family is falling down, it's up to us to get together to pick them back up." Tina smiled as Mr Schue wrote the assignment on his whiteboard. "Oh, my god. Are we doing Britney week again?" She asked excitedly. "You really came into your own during the last Britney week. You showed us the best of Britney. Youth, energy, confidence."

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