"What about Zenith Xeep?" asked Ben.

"She'll need to be questioned. We'll bring her in. That, and getting hold of one of those bottles so we can determine what's in it, will be our top priority."

"I have one here," said Sarah, pulling it out of her pocket. "My friend Penny's good with potions. I could show it to her. If not, Professor Snape could surely--"

"You really don't think we have people like that in the Ministry, Spellman?" asked Moody. 

"Oh. Right," she said sheepishly, placing the bottle in his outstretched hand.


Sarah and Ben filled the others in on their adventures as they walked from Dumbledore's office toward the Great Hall after work. 

"That's wild," Tonks said. "A missing wand and a memory loss potion? You had more action than I did in the auror department. The only exciting thing in there was auror Joon lighting his partner's desk on fire after an argument." 

"I just don't get why Zenith Xeep would be behind all this," said Sarah.

"She's not very nice," said Barnaby. "I could see her being a bad guy."

They all stared at him. 

"You've met Zenith Xeep?" Charlie asked. 

"She sang at my birthday party," he said. "My Gran is a big fan of hers." 

"Well I'm convinced she's evil, then," said Charlie. 

"We need to find her," said Ben. "She could be giving out more of that potion."

"Mad-Eye says he's on it," Sarah reminded him. 

"Who knows how long that'll take!" 

"Calm down. If anybody can track her down, it'll be Mad-Eye," said Charlie. 

"You not coming to study?" Barnaby asked, noting that he and Sarah didn't stop at the Great Hall to meet the others. 

"Quidditch practice," they said together. 

"Don't you think there's more important matters to attend?" said Ben. 

"How dare you?" gasped Charlie. 

"Ben, there's nothing more we can do right now," said Sarah. "It's quidditch time. The first match is this weekend." 

"But it's Ravenclaw versus Hufflepuff!" 

"And we'll need to see how they play," said Charlie, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Come on, Spellman, we'll be late." 

"Don't worry," she called to Ben, hurrying after Charlie. "We'll figure out what happened at Ollivander's, and what Xeep has to do with it."


But Ben had been right. When they returned to the Ministry, Mad-Eye informed them that Zenith Xeep seemed to have disappeared. 

"We didn't find her at any of her usual haunts, and she never turned up to her next meet and greet," he growled. "She must have been tipped off that we were after her." 

"So this confirms she knew what was in the bottles she was pushing," said Sarah.

"More than likely," said Moody. "But I doubt she was working alone. Probably someone paid her a great deal of money. We'll figure it out once we find her."

Ben hmphed. Sarah glanced to see he was red in the face. 

"What about the potion?" he asked. "Did you figure out what was in it?"

Hogwarts Mystery Year 7Where stories live. Discover now