Rays bio

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Name: Ray

Height: 175 cm ( 5'7 )

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Birthday: October 1st

Sibling(s): Younger sister (deceased)

Species: Avian (wings are small enough to be hidden in his clothes but he has little spots on his body that have feathers)

Occupation: Test subject

Likes: Cats, plants, sleeping, his master (PLATONIC), audio dramas, music, hitting people with his walking stick and then saying it was an accident, sunsets.

Dislikes: carbonated drinks, poles (he bumps into them a lot), bugs, wind chimes.

Appearance: He's covered in medical tape from experiments, his hair is a desaturated blue, it's short and curly, his eyes are a brown yellow. He always seems to have a happy expression despite having to go through what he does. His wings are the typical white color and they are very fluffy.

Personality: Very kind but weirdly stubborn, he tends to blame himself for things and accesos whats given to him.

Fun fact: he went blind because one of Al's test tubes exploded and the glass shards got into his eyes, permanently blinding him. He can still see vague colors which is how he was able to tell what the sunset looked like so everything isn't black it's just indecipherable. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2023 ⏰

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