Crazy doctor bio yippie

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Name: Altha/Al

Height: 179 cm ( 5'9 )

Sex: Female (trans)

Age: 32

Birthday: June 3rd

Sibling(s): 1 younger sister, 1 younger brother

Species: Spider-person (it wasn't mentioned but she has spider-like appendages coming out of her lower back. They are about as long as they would be to a normal spider but human-sized. They're helpful when moving around and multitasking.)

Occupation: Full-time Doctor/ Mad scientist

Likes: Being able to use human experiments, her job, octopi (she says they remind her of herself), movies, butterfly's (eating them).

Dislikes: being told by the government that she can't make a Frankenstein, bright lights, fish, cats (she's allergic), going to bed early.

Appearance: gray hair from when she mixed the wrong chemicals, it's straight and falls over her shoulder in a low ponytail. Her eyes are blue but contrary to Neves, hers seem to reflect the murky depths of the unclean pond her family used to own. She won't be seen outside without that white lab coat that has black stains at the bottom and multiple patches that seem like they were burnt. The previously stated 

Personality: Proper and polite when she is not being a sadistic psychopath, she is known to laugh to herself sometimes which freaks out her co-workers.

Fun fact: no she can not excrete silk from her butt, we are not having this talk.

A/N: she probably won't show up that much but I might make her help Lily by teaching her how to properly wrab bandages and stuff like that idk yet.

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