Part 1

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My first one shot for these guys! A cute little father son even mother and son moment we all want between Buck and Bobby am I right?

TW mentions of throwing up.


Buck didn't get migraines very often but when he did they hit him like a freight truck. He winces as he gets out of bed with the sunlight hitting him in the face. He hoped to god he hadn't slept in, the last thing he needed was for Bobby to get mad at him for being late. Buck knew that Bobby loved him like a son and that he was going be just fine, but it didn't stop him from having a little bit of anxiety about it. "I'm going to be just fine, just take the pills eat some breakfast and go to work like normal," Buck tells himself. He feels like he will end up repeating that mantra all day if he has to just to make it through the day. He gets two aspirin tablets and downs them with water. He grabs a bowl of cereal and eats it in a rush.

He checks his phone and realizes he is almost an hour early for work. The pain made his sleep schedule even more of a mess than usual. He can use some of this spare time to have a shower and see if that helps soothe his head. He decided to leave his hair in the messy curly state it dried it, he didn't want to make his migraine worse by trying to touch his head. He knew it would raise questions, but he had an idea on how to make it work. He's always been known to experiment with versions of himself, Buck 1.0, Buck 2.0 and even Buck 3.0. He could always say that he was trying something new, and they would believe it. They wouldn't even question it, just playfully roll their eyes, and shake their heads and their little brother.

Eddie's name flashes on the screen of Buck's phone when he gets back to the kitchen. It was probably nearly time for both of them to get to work which means one thing. To say his good mornings to Christopher and have his little superhero make his world feel a little bit better. Ever since the Tsunami Chris had made Buck a second parental figure in his life. After the lawsuit was all over and done with Eddie had Buck come over as often as he could to get him to help with homework, movie nights and anything else. When Buck was busy it was a lot of phone calls as face times. You would think that the two of the adults would be in a relationship by now. Unfortunately, they don't have the confidence to admit it to each other yet.

"Morning superman," Buck says, as he puts on his brave face. He could hear Christopher's excited squeal from the other end of the line as he heard his Buck answer. "Morning Buck," Christopher says. Buck looks down to where his keys fell after last night and bent down to pick them up as Christopher lets him know about all the exciting things he is going to do in school today. Buck winces a little audibly and he could hear Christopher getting concerned on the other side. "Buck are you okay?" Christopher asks. Buck has to think quickly on his feet to figure out an excuse that would be good for both him and Eddie who will have known by now. "Yeah I uh dropped my keys and hit my head on the table on the way up I am fine," Buck says.

"Are you sure Buck, I could come pick you up on the way to work?" Eddie asks, taking over his phone from his son. He knows that Buck is a strong kid, and despite the big ego front he tends to bottle his feelings up until they are almost explosive. "I am fine Eddie, a little knock on the head doesn't hurt too bad after like two minutes," Buck says. Eddie sighs, he could tell that Buck wasn't being one hundred percent honest. He knows the way to get to unlock Buck is to let him come to Eddie, but he doesn't know if that would walk, or he would have to go and get reinforcements and by that he means the father figure Bobby. Eddie knows that if Buck doesn't open up to him then he will get Bobby in on it.

Buck managed to convince Eddie enough to let him drive himself on his own to the firehouse. Eddie had to get Christopher to school before he came to the house himself. Buck had two brief moments of dizziness on the way to the car but on his drive there he seemed to have stabled out and wasn't as dizzy anymore. Eddie rushed over to the loft of the firehouse once he got there to check on Buck for himself. Buck was sitting on the couch reading a book with Bobby shooting occasional glances in his adopted kids' direction. He knew his son wasn't quite himself when he walked in, as much as he tried he wasn't quite the bubbly golden retriever he usually is. Eddie went full on field medic as he gently put his fingers around Buck's head which made the book fall to the ground.

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