Part 2

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I was kindly asked by the lovely UnicornFireGalaxy17 on Wattpad for part 2. So here it is.

Also feel free to let me know what kind of one shots or chaptered stories you want to see. I am really happy and amazed by how supportive this fandom is.

TW for mentions of throwing up.


If Buck thought that the last time he had a migraine while working was bad nothing could have prepared him for this. Nothing was staying down, the medication he had finally been prescribed wasn't working and he didn't want to worry Maddie or anyone else, so he was grinning and bearing it. This time he was hoping he could get away with it for longer than he managed to the last time. He didn't really sleep, and he was at the firehouse 30 minutes earlier than when his shift was supposed to start. This time it was a 24 hour one and as much as Buck wished he would have called it in he knew he was better off where he was. If anything did go wrong, it wouldn't be a complete disaster as he has trained medics around him.

Bobby was making pancakes when Buck appeared in the loft of the fire house with slightly messy hair. "Morning kid," Bobby says, placing the plate stacked with pancakes in the middle of the table Buck had sat down on. Bobby looked him up and down with the level of fatherly attention. Something wasn't right with Buck, and he was determined to find out what. He definitely didn't sleep very well, the fact that his hair was a mess, and he was here half an hour earlier than he should be. He had a comb in the firehouse for emergencies like this. He just had to be gentle and stop if Buck wanted him too. Maybe it would be better if he actually asked Buck first before deciding to attack his hair with the comb.

"Morning Cap," Buck says. When the B shift weren't around he would call Bobby dad, and no one would bat an eye. They were all aware of the rocky relationship between Maddie, Buck, and their parents. So when they started calling Athena and Bobby mama and dad outside of their work nobody was surprised. Buck had finished his pancakes when Bobby approached him with the comb and a tub of hair gel. Bobby did like the new Buck who was embracing his natural hair, but he wasn't sure how he wanted his hair today. It was going to be up to him, but it was nice to have the options available. Chim walked up when the shift was actually about to start followed by Hen and Eddie. They didn't seem to be at all surprised by the scene unfolding in front of them.

Buck's nausea seemed to have gone for now as well, which was the best thing that has happened to him so far that morning. He let Bobby comb his hair to make him look at least a little bit more presentable this morning. "You have twenty four hours to get through then you can go home and sleep through the rest of this migraine. I can do this." Buck tells himself in his head. The others were busy when he made his third attempt to take aspirin that morning. If he could keep them down this time then he might be onto a winner. Bobby had asked him about the hair when he was combing it and all Buck said was that he had a rough night which wasn't a lie. It wasn't the whole truth either, but Bobby took his word for it.

Working as a first responder meant that they would have a lot of rough nights, PTSD was fairly common. Couple that with everything that happened to Buck with the engine exploding and pinning his leg, the pulmonary embolism, and the tsunami. No wonder he would have rough nights from time to time. They have a twenty four hour shift so he would be able to sleep whenever they had enough down time. They can't stay awake for the whole time otherwise they run into a huge risk of mistakes being made. Bobby knows that his little fire family would never forgive themselves if there was a mistake. That's why Frank was on hand for whenever they felt like they needed someone to talk to.

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