Part 5: LooLoo Land

Start from the beginning

"Because it's MY VAN, Moxx!" Blitz snarled as he gripped the wheel, "Got a problem with it and I'll kick you outta the van myself!!"

Moxxie simply sat back into the seat as he crossed his arms with disapproval.

Millie simply tried comforting her pouting husband and remained calm and level-headed.

Loona wrapped an arm around Harley and pulled her close.

Harley didn't mind at all. She felt safe with the hellhound girl.

Finally, they arrived at their destination.

Millie let out a gasp. . .

"LOOLOO LAND!?~" Millie squealed.

"THEY FUCKING REBUILT LOOLOO LAND?????" Moxxie questioned.

Harley appeared confused, "The fuck is LooLoo Land?"

Loona let out a groan, "Only the LAMEST place in all of hell. . . - Blitz! Why the fuck are we here? I thought we were working!"

"We are!!" Blitz replied, "The client wanted me to meet them here."

"And you didn't find that suspicious at all?" Moxxie asked with a raised brow.

"Nope! Let's go!" Blitz said as he hopped out the van.

Everyone else followed behind. Loona kept Harley close.

Once they got inside LooLoo Land, it was still as shitty as the last time, if not possibly worse.

"Woah. This place is sick!! I wanna ride the rollercoaster!" Harley said with a grin as she admired the place.

"B!~ Since we're heeeere, how 'bout we show Harley some fun!" Millie suggested sweetly.

"Meh, why the fuck not. Let's hit some games!" Blitz said as he took Harley by the hand and ran to the nearest game.

Surprisingly, Blitz won on the first try and won Harley a Thing plushie.

"Here ya go, Harls!~" Blitz said as he handed Harley the plush.

Harley's eyes lit up, "Thanks, Blitz!!~".

She lovingly held the Thing and walked ahead alongside Millie and Loona.

"Umm, Harls?" Moxxie questioned his boss as they stayed behind a bit.

"Yeah? It's a nickname I came up with for her. What of it?" Blitz explained with a bit of sass.

"Sir, once you name it, you start getting ATTACHED to it!" Moxxie spat.

"Alright, Wazowski. . ." Blitz glared.

Moxxie did not seem amused, "The fuck is a Wazowski!?"

"Blitz!~" Harley called out, "Check out this one! It looks like a zombie! Haha!" the jet black haired girl grinned widely.

Blitz scurried over to the human child without another thought as Moxxie kinda drug behind in an annoyed manner.

Blitz and Harley laughed amongst each other at all the dumb looking prizes. But then something absolutely amazing caught the imp's eye.

"NO FUCKING WAY!!~" Blitz said aloud as his eyes lit up, "IS THAT A LIMITED EDITION PONY PLUSH!?!? FUCK YES!~"

The assassin imp ran over to the stand and played the game as many times as it took to win that pony. And finally, after so many tries on this rigged game, he shot the game tender imp in the head and happily walked away with the pony plush in hand.

"Sir! You can't just kill carnival workers to get whatever the fuck you want!" Moxxie spat.

"You wanna be next on my list, Moxx!? It's a REALLY long list, but I'll bump your scrawny ass to the fuckin' top!!" Blitz snarled as he held his pony plush close.

Moxxie simply rolled his eyes.

"Guys!" Millie interrupted, "What's gotten into you? You've been goin' at each other's throats all day!"

Moxxie finally snapped, "Maybe you should ask HIM!"

Blitz then glared the white-haired imp's way, "There somethin' you wanna say, Moxx?"

"A human child should not be in hell! But here you are! Waltzing around a fucking carnival with a human!! I think you've hit your head one too many times now, sir. Or this child has cast some sort of supernatural spell onto you." Moxxie went on.

"Well, what if I want her here!? Would that be so fucking bad!?" Blitz spat.

"Of course that would be fucking bad!! You've completely lost your mind!! A human CANNOT live in hell! Why would you even want her to stay in the first place!?" Moxxie argued.

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER!" Blitz admitted with a growl.

Everyone's jaws dropped.

Even Harley's as she continued to hold her Thing plush close.

"Sir. . .are you saying you're IN LOVE with the human!?!?" Moxxie questioned.

Blitz immediately appeared repulsed, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!? NO!! I'm not THAT kind of damn perv!! I meant. . .I love her as a daughter. . ."

Everyone went silent.

Millie then placed her hand on Blitz's shoulder gently, "B, I get it. I really do. But she can't stay. We have to get her back home to the human realm."

Blitz let out a small sigh, "I know. . . You're right. . . It's just. . ."

"Easier said than done?" Millie added.

"Yeah. . ." Blitz said lowly with a frown.

Blitz's eyes then began to well up and overflow as he quickly wiped away his tears, "I don't know what it is. I just. . . I feel connected to Harls somehow. . . The same way I do with Loonie."

Suddenly, Blitz felt a tug on the back of his coat.

When he turned around to see what it was, it was Harley gently clenching part of his coat with tears in her eyes.

"I. . . I love you too, Blitz. . ." Harley quietly said as she didn't dare make eye contact.

Blitz then snugly hugged her.

- End of part 5: LooLoo Land

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