We Will Always Live Forever if We Don't Look Back

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A loud splitting beeping awoke the young man from his slumber several weeks later, as he opened his eyes they immediately began to sting and tears dripped down his temples. He pressed them closed again and took a deep breath, tasting dusty ash on his tongue as he untangled himself from his covers. Sharp panic bloomed in his chest, only opening his eyes a small amount he saw the heavy billows of smoke throughout his tiny studio apartment.

Cursing, Ranboo leapt from bed, grabbing his phone and headphones from the nightstand as well as the picture frame of his mothers. He has to get out of here quickly, coughing he finds his backpack where he threw it yesterday against the end of his bed. The weight when he picked it up indicated luckily his laptop was still in there, doing most of these actions by feel as his vision was obscured heavily right now he shoves the important things in his bag. Grabbing his sweater and pulling it around myself, he reaches for the metal door handle, decade old fire drill knowledge making him test the temperature of the outside hall using the knob.

A large bang above him forced the young man into moving faster, opening the door quickly and narrowing his odd eyes against the harsh air. Keeping low he desperately tried to remember where the stairs were, coughing as he walked down the loud carpet. Ranboo hadn't seen any flames yet, but the sounds of the building collapsing above his head urged him forward. A single instinct ran through his brain, survival, as he found the stairs and quickly glanced down checking the structural integrity.

His two toned hair stuck to his forehead and neck where sweat beaded, the internal temperatures of the building scorching. Taking them a few at a time he rushes the couple floors to the bottom, trying to take shallow breaths as tears rush down his face from the burning air. Somehow, most of the main lobby was intact, making it through the front doors he finds whirling sirens and lights. A pair of paramedics rush to his side and he accepts being led away to the back of an ambulance, sitting heavily on the metal tailgate. Keeping his backpack close he let the two check him over, holding all the things he now possessed across from what was the remains of his home.

Now that he was no longer in danger his mind raced with the next steps; Ranboo wasn't sure if his lease was void now, even then all he had was his savings until he found a new place to live. At least he had the job, a source of income, yet now he had to add finding a new roof over his head to the stress of exams coming up. The apartment he found was comfortable in his small budget, another like it wouldn't exist around here so no matter what he would be paying a lot more for rent than that studio room.

Groaning, he hugs the grey shock blanket closer, the wailing of firetrucks slowly fading away as the man thought about what to do next. Digging into his backpack he finds the photo of his mothers and him, glad he had the forethought to save the only physical memory he had. Running his fingers down the glass pane he sighs, asking them all the questions in his head though there would be no answer, wanting help right now.

He swipes open his phone, noticing it is nearly morning, looking around to see the bright glows of sun on the horizon. His mind warred with reaching out to his friends for help or going the comfortable route of only relying on himself. Being Saturday he was expected to show up to work in just under three hours, not sure how he was going to cleanse the smoke from himself he pulled up hotels in the area. Noticing there were only a few listings and none of them advertised any vacancy, his decision is made for him when his name is shouted, breaking him from his thoughts as he tucks his phone into his backpack.

"Ranboo!" He looked to his side to see Toby, his brown hair mussed as he rushed towards him with a familiar lanky blonde on his heels. "Oh my god we awoke to the sound of sirens and came to see what happened, are you alright?"

Ranboo nodded, coughing as he cleared his throat to answer. "I am okay physically."

Tommy surprised him by launching himself to hug the taller boy around the shock blanket, holding him close. Dropping his voice, the usually loud blonde whispered to only him. "I was so worried when Tubbo and I recognised you sitting here, I am so fucking glad you are safe."

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