Into The Wild Again To Face The Great Unknown

Start from the beginning

A now hiring sign catches his attention, offering weekend shifts with flexible hours surrounding exams and above minimum pay. His mood lifted, he hypes himself up to casually inquire to the lovely woman serving peoples coffee with enchanting laughs and greetings. Working her magic on all that enters, each person leaves with a handcrafted drink and a better attitude. She is dressed in a black shirt and navy jeans under her forest green apron. Emerald earrings dangled from her ears, light makeup highlighting her natural beauty and her silky night-shade hair in a high ponytail with a few streaks of white like falling stars.

Soon, it's Ranboo's turn at the till with the bright yellow daffodil beside the register, brilliant and colourful like the pastries on display. The blooms had become fewer over the time he started coming, the remaining buds still as cheery as the sun outside. The ethereal woman gives him a dazzling grin, turning to grab a hot cup and paper bag.

"Good morning, Ranboo! One cinnamon vanilla tea and an apple fritter, your usual!" Kristen gave him a cup with a smiley face drawn on the side and neatly folded pastry bag before winking. "My son told me he is now paying for your breakfast and the only way to stop him is to come by after classes to hang out here."

"Dammit Tommy." Ranboo mutters, smirking. "I take it this deal is something I can only discuss with him in person."

Her dark eyes twinkle as she gives the same mischievous look her son perfected, clearly a family trait, nodding. "He insists that your hang out happens this weekend because some of his friends are going to be gathering here playing Minecraft and he wants you to join."

"I'll send him a text that I will accept his invitation." Ranboo takes a deep breath and checks to make sure he isn't holding anyone else up, seeing no one behind him in line he turns to Kristin once more, pointing to the hiring sign. "I don't have my resume on me right now, but I would love to come by tonight and drop it off if the position is still available."

Her eyes widened a bit before she gave a thoughtful look with her lips curved up, holding up a finger before disappearing into the kitchen. Ranboo fidgets, taking a sip of his tea while awaiting her return, tucking the pastry safely in his backpack. A few more stressful moments pass before she returns with Phil, who looks very pleased to see him. His blonde hair is tied back today, beard trimmed neatly close to his skin. One emerald earring hung from his right ear, wrapped in gold, matching the pair his wife wears.

"Hiya mate! I heard you were looking at the job posting?" Phil's accent was a calming balm on his nerves as he tried his best to look eager. "Done, you are hired, I'll take it down in a moment."

Ranboo's mouth dropped open, stuttering a bit. "Just like that? You don't want my resume?"

Phil waves it off, looking at his wife with the most lovey-dovey eyes before returning to the tall man's gaze. "We were hoping one of the kids we knew would apply. You seem like a good one Ranboo, I would love to bring you on."

"How many hours are you looking for?" Kristin had pulled out a notebook, holding a pen overtop a clean sheet.

"Just the weekend, I need the weekdays for studying." Ranboo mentioned, watching as she wrote it down. "I can start this Saturday, if that works for you?"

"Sounds great, that's when I was going to offer your first shift, we can discuss pay and all the intricate details later." Phil reached across the counter offering his weathered hand to shake, which Ranboo wraps his thin hand around his, going through the motion. "Welcome to the team Ranboo, now I know you have class soon so if you are okay with it; we can grab your number from Tommy and I will text you our contact information."

Ranboo glanced at the clock on the wall and it startled him, now only having half an hour to get to the school. "Works for me, I didn't realise how much time has passed, shoot."

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